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::a month later::

Justin has been acting weird lately this past week, like we barely talk and when we do he is short. And he barely gives me kisses anymore:(

But today he seemed calmer and we were watching tv together and i grabbed his phone so I could play piano tiles 2 because I'm obsessed with it.

"Hey babe, I have to pee, I'll be right back,," Justin tells me.

"Mkay," I say too distracted by the faster tiles coming down.

As I'm playing the game freezes for a second and a text pops up from someone named "Katie".

I didn't wanna seem nosy but the preview of the text bothered me so I went ahead and clicked it.

It read,

"Hey Jay, wanted to know if you wanted to repeat what happened last week?;) It was very hot and you are very good at sex if i say so myself."

I-what? Repeat what happened last week? Very good at sex? Oh my god, he cheated on me.

My mind is racing and my hands dropped the phone on the couch. I touch my face and feel the tears falling down. I can't stop them.

Justin walks back in and sees me with tears racing down my face and my hands shaking.

"Bailey, whats wrong?" He says, worry in his voice

Justin touches my arm and i push it away and stand up.

"Don't touch me Justin, please," I say.

"What did I do baby?" He says like he is innocent.

"Did you cheat on me or not?" I bitterly spat.

"Where did you-"

"Don't act like you don't know. I just need to hear it, yes or no?"

"Yes, but it was a mistake Bailey. I love you, I shouldn't have done it. Please-" He starts again but i interrupt.

"That's all I needed, I love you so much, how? What did I do? I'm sorry i can't give you that kind of pleasure right now, im not ready to. But you said you could wait but i guess-i guess not," I choke out still crying hard.

"No Bailey please stop, I don't know what came over me. I love you too, so much more please forgive me," He says.

But i dont listen and head upstairs and take some off my clothes and put it into a duffel bag, grab my charger, headphones, phone, and laptop and leave his bedroom.

I go back downstairs to see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands while whispering things i can't understand.

He sees me at the end of the stairs and acknowledges all my belongings and gets that im leaving. Then he runs up to me and says,

"Please Bailey, we can figure this out. Don't leave me please don't."

"Justin I promised myself many years ago if my partner hits me or cheats on me, I wont stay with them. And i still believe in that. I love you but i can't." I tell him.

He gives me one last sweet kiss and nods his head and understands.

I walk out of the house with him behind me and I see Pattie walking out of her car to us.

"I see you guys are going somewhere hm," She says not having any idea.

"Um Pattie, can you drive me to the airport..I uh justin cheated on me and I wanna go home," I say looking at my feet.

"Oh my-Yes of course sweetie. Justin you better be ready for a long talk when I get home," She says while I get into the passenger seat.

The car ride to the airport was mostly quiet, Pattie told me how sorry she was for justin's actions. And she told me how much she loves me and how welcome i am to talk to her ever. But besides that it was mostly queit.

Once we got there she walked me in and helped me catch a ticket back home and even helped me pay for it.

I hugged her and told her how much i loved her. I also told her to tell Justin how much i love him, but i need to be alone.

I boarded the plane and sat in the seat and opened my phone to see 10 text messages from Justin. I ignore them and wonder who to text I'm headed home.

I click on Luke's name and text him.

bailey😚: hey um luke, can you pick me up at the airport?

lukey😋: Yes of course!! Why are you coming back here? When should i come pick you up?

bailey😚: i'll explain when i get there. thank you so much, you are a great friend lukey:) I'll call you when we land. I'm gonna take a nap.

lukey😋: Of course, I'm always here for you. Okay that'll be great. Have a good nap Bailey.

I shut off my phone and rest my head on the back of the chair and shut my eyes to take a well-rested nap.


a/n: OKAY I KNOW YOU PROBABLY HATE ME!! but ive planned this for so long. I hope you liked it!!! Chapter 21 tomorrow:) Now i need some sleep. Tell me what you thought of it though!! Hope you all have a great day! Love you all:)


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