Don't Freak

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I walk across the street to Cam's house with Cam. Cam opens the door for me and leads me up to his bedroom.

"So what's wrong?" Cam asks

I couldn't find the words. Cam just stares at me.

"Did you fall down the stairs?" Cameron asks already knowing the answer.

"No.. I didn't" I say

"Bailey does your parents.. hit you?" Cam's eyes fill with tears.

I didn't say anything. All I did was lift up my shirt just a bit to show him the bruise my mom had made just 10 minutes ago. Cam looks at the bruise.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" Cam pulls his eyes away from my bruise back to my eyes.

"I love my parents. I don't want them to get in trouble." I say with head down.

"Is this what you had to tell me?" Cam runs his hands through his hair.

"No actually. The condom broke didn't it?" I say and Cam froze

"So?" Cam grins

"Cam don't freak but... I'm pregnant. With your kids" I say straightening my back.

"Kids?" Cam raises one eyebrow

"Twins." I say with no shame.

"No. There not mine. You must have slept with another guy." Cam opens the door and walks out slamming it behind him.

My heart feels like it has been broken into a million pieces. I feel a lump in my throat as wet salty tears run down my cheeks.

I walk out of Cam's room and walk downstairs slowly. I hear Cam cursing as I walk down stairs. I decided the best thing to do was leave him alone. I walk out of his house and back home with my head low and my shoulders slouched.

What am I gonna do?

Pregnant By Cameron Dallas (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now