It's Cam

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I was getting the twins ready for the funeral. I put on Ava a white long sleave bodysuit. I put on a little necklace with a black bow connected to it. I put on a white lace headband with a little back bow connected to it. I put on her ruffle black skirt. I also put on little white shoes with again a black bow connected to them.

"Here I'll take her." Sam offers to take her a I accept and I give Ava to Sam.

I grab Isaac from his crib and start to dress him. I put on a white long sleave body suit on Isaac that has three little cream colored button. I add a little black bow tie. I add his white shoes with black laces on him.

I hand him to James so I can get dressed. I walk into my room and pulled out a thin long sleeved dress

I slip it on over my head and start to brush my hair. I plug in my curling iron. I start my make-up as the iron heats up. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and lip gloss. I start curling my hair. After I was finnished I sprayed my hair so it will stay even in the wind. I put on my black heals and walked back to the twins. I strap them in there car seats. A pink one for Ava and a Blue one for Isaac.

I strap them inside the car and look at James and Sam. James is wearing a black tux with a Camo tie. Sam is wearing a black vintage dress with a white lace collar with Black heals.

"Are you sure you can do this babe?" Sam asks me grabbing my hand.

"I have to" I smile weakly

"Well okay." James says getting in the drivers seat and Sam in the passengers seat. I say between the twins watching them.

Once we reach the funeral we step out of the car. I get the twins out. Since the boys were here they wanted to of course hold the twins. And since Ava seems to love Jacob I hand her to him and since Isaac seems to love Nash I had him to Nash.

"Okay Every one sit down and we will begin." James says.

As soon as James begins talking some one walks. In someone with Brown hair and Brown eyes. Someone who is tall and muscular. Someone like...

Cameron. He is wearing his black suit. He looked so hot.

He sits one row behind me. James starts again and the funeral continues. By the end I have make-up running down my face and snuggling with the twins.

There was soldiers in there I uniform. They shot three times in the air before the lowered Samuel. James wraps his arms around me.

"G-Goodbye bye Samuel I Lo-Love you!" I sob and so does James.

After the funeral I clean my make-up off my face and look around. I see Cam walking into a forest that was nearby. I asked the boys to watch the twins for a moment. I started follow him.

"Cameron." I say his name and he turns around

"Bailey. Hi" he smiles slightly

"What are you doing here Cameron?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I liked Samuel. I wanted to come." He sighs.

"Bailey I'm sorry for What I did to you. I love you I really do." Cameron walks towards me.

"I know Cameron. I love you to but.. I just..." I Can't find the words.

"I'm sorry your mom died, Ava, Samuel, also about your dad. But I want to take as much Pain away from you as I can" Cam stops in his tracks.

"What are you saying Cameron?" I stand There looking at him.

"First babe it's Cam" He smiles which makes me laugh.

"And two." Cam gets on one knee and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring.

"Marry me."

I finished the book! How did you guys like it! I tried my best since it is my first book! I will start the sequel that you guys wanted whenever I can. I love you guys that voted, commented, read Ect. Love you again! <3

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