1. Welcome to Seirin

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    Students scurried as they ran around looking at all the clubs and sports teams looking for new recruits

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    Students scurried as they ran around looking at all the clubs and sports teams looking for new recruits. Seirin was a new highschool, so attracting students was more important than ever. But I only had one team in mind.

The basketball club.


"I'll... I'll prove you wrong Aomine Daiki! Just watch me! I'll beat you and all the Generation of Miracles!"

"Pfft. I'd love to see you try. You'll never be enough to beat me." Aomine scoffed without a shred of doubt in his voice.

I'm losing him. He's drowning and I can't even do anything about it... I feel so pathetic... My hands quickly balled into fists in frustration.

"After all, the only one who can beat me, is me."


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    I walked up to the stand that looked rather pathetic. No one was crowding around it, the girl sitting there even looked like she had given up trying, along with her there was also a tall boy with glasses. I was surprised not as many students were trying to join basketball, as it was one of the main sports. I take a deep breath and weave though the clumps of students and make my way towards them.

    "Excuse me, I'd like to join." I say placing down the form that was already filled out. I wanted to try out as soon as possible, like they say, "When there's a will, there's a way". The girl looked up at me surprised that a girl, not evenly an impressive height wanted to sign up. I wasn't that tall, but it's not like that mattered. I could never be the center. (For the basketball noobs 'center' is the tallest player that blocks shots ex: Murasakibara)

    "Sorry, have I seen you before?" The girl looked puzzled, and now the boy with glasses that stood next to her looked over, taking an interest in the conversation

    "Uh, probably not." I nervously reply. I was tempted to say that we had met before, but I held a strong belief for letting the truth reveal itself. Besides, big reveals were always more interesting.

"So, am I allowed to play or not?" I eagerly ask. Out of nervousness, my heart was beating faster than usual, I was worried as schools didn't accept girls on their team. This is because most schools believe that boys are naturally stronger and better than girls at sports, but Teiko had made an exception. If Teiko can do it then so can Seirin.

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