8. Teiko

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Cherry blossoms where flying in the soft wind as we walked towards the entrance. I could hear the birds chirping which gave me the feeling of a fresh, new morning. There were hundreds of students were dressed in the same white and blue uniform as me. I didn't think this school was going to be that big, but the front doors were crowded to the point where you could barely get in.

The two brick walls which where next to the open gates had a sign saying "Teiko Middle School." Just reading the sign made my stomach churn. I was actually going to the same school as Aomine and Momoi. But other than those two, I didn't know anyone here. Hopefully we were in the same class so I wouldn't have to worry about being alone. 

Dozens of clubs stood near the front bombarding freshmen with pamphlets and brochures, begging them to join their club.

"Dai-chan, have you decided which club you're joining?" Momoi asked as we walked toward the entrance.

"Huh? Don't ask the obvious. I'm joining the basketball team." He replied nonchalantly. Momoi's head turned to me and asked the same question. "What about you f/n-chan?"

"Me? I'm not sure yet, I wanna see what options they have before I make a final decision." I smiled at her. "Satsuki, she doesn't need to choose. She's joining the basketball team." Aomine answered. "Woah there, since when did you get to make my decisons?!" I question.

"You suck at everything else f/n." He replied bluntly, not even trying to sugarcoat it.

"Oi! I could do cooking!" I counter.

"You broke the stove last time."

"Fine then, art!"

"You draw like a five year old."

"Well even if I suck at cooking and I'm bad at drawing, I'm not going to just do whatever you tell me to! I'm not going to be like Momoi who just follows you around everywhere!" I yell, but Aomine had a smirk plastered across his face.

"Hey I do not follow Dai-chan around!" Momoi pouted. Aomine began to laughing at us, irritating me even more.

"Momoi can you believe him?! He thinks this is funny!" I say in disbelief. Why does he have to look so smug about it?

"I don't find it funny, I just think it's cute how hard you're trying to stay away from me." He chuckled to himself again and rested his arm on my head since I was short enough (Or more like he was tall enough)for him to be able to do so. I tried wriggling out of his arm.

"Stop it! You're gonna mess up my hair!" I cried. "Trust me f/n, it won't be your hair that scares all the boys off." He chuckled. I glared at him and finally he took his arm off. I sighed and began fixing my hair but right when I finished, he quickly ruffled it messing it all up again and ran off laughing.

"DAIKI!!!!!" I am so going to get back at him for that!


[Third person]

Kuroko weaved through the crowd of people as he held a book close to his face, not needing to see what was in front of him. It's not like people would realise it was him to bumped into them anyway.

"Oh, you like books? How about the literature club?" A boy didn't hold out a flier towards Kuroko, but  towards a boy named Midorima passing by.

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