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     "Mario!" I yelled. "We have to go back! My mom is still in the city!" I started running towards the explosions, but Mario grabbed my arm.

"If your mother had any sense in her, she would have evacuated the city immediately," Mario said. "You can't go back. Not now. I promise you when this is over we will go into the city and look for her. We are short on supplies anyway." I knew Mario was right, but i couldn't stop thinking about my mother. She was probably still in the city, looking for me, calling my name. She was probably worried sick.

After thirty minutes, the bombing stopped. The dust settled and i could see the utter destruction that had been unleashed on the city. This was sick. There were still thousands of people still in there. They still had a chance at surviving. They didn't deserve to die. I still couldn't shake the thought of my mother still being in there. I got up from the chair I was sitting on and walked over to Mario, who was resting in a hammock. I shook him, and he opened his eyes. He slowly got out of the hammock and walked to a bucket of water, where he washed his face. The hot summer sun was burning my neck. I walked over to Anatoly, who was getting the weapons ready, and I motioned for my backpack. He tossed it to me with a smile.

"Look inside," he said. I opened the largest zip, and examined the contents. Inside the bag was; Two boxes of .357 mm rounds, a hunting knife, my black denim jacket, a makeshift first-aid kit (just a few bandages and a small flask of liquor in a box), and my camo hat. I smiled at the sight of my hat. I couldn't bear to lose it. It was my dad's. He gave it to me when he came back from his first tour. I put the hat on and put the bag on my back. 

"Thanks," I said. He replied with a smile. I looked over to my right and saw Jim. He was working on the jeep that we were taking on the supply run. Ten minutes passed, and everyone was gathered in the courtyard except Ella and Sara. They were standing guard at our base. Mario got into the driver's seat, and Anatoly got in next to him. Jim sat in the back with me. Mario started the engine and Sara opened the gate. We slowly drove out. Within twenty minutes we were in the city. The jeep stopped at the edge of town. 

"Zombies are attracted to sound, so we need to go on foot from here. I rigged the jeep with an engine cut-off system, so the car can't be hot-wired," Jim quietly said. I took my bag out of the car and slid it over my shoulders. The hunting knife Anatoly gave me was fastened in my belt, along with the colt. We walked over to a destroyed general store, and entered through one of the shattered windows.

"Jim, you're with me. Anatoly, go with Caden," Mario said. Anatoly gestured at me to follow him. We started walking over to a shelf with cans in it. I opened my bag and started to fill it with cans. There were cans filled with kidney beans, chicken broth, sweet corn, and sliced beets. I got about six cans, before Jim and Mario were telling us to get out. At first, I didn't understand what they were saying, because we were only in there for about two minutes. Then I realized what was going on!

"Come on! We have to go now!" yelled Jim. I put my bag on my shoulders and jumped out of the window. Behind me, Anatoly yelled as he kicked a zombie away from him. The four of us ran until we reached the jeep. Three zombies were walking towards us very fast. 

"Don't use your guns!" Mario said. "They will only attract more attention to us." Anatoly ran towards the first one, stabbing it in its temple. The zombie's body fell straight to the floor. The second one attempted to lunge onto Mario, but Jim stabbed it in the back of the head. The third one was out of sight. Suddenly, I heard snarling behind me. I quickly turned around and pulled the knife out of my belt. Almost immediately, I plunged the blade through his rotten grey eye. The heavy weight of the body pushed me to the ground. Mario ran over to me and rolled the lifeless mass off of me.

"Are you OK?" He asked. I didn't reply. Blood was all over my face and clothes. I got up and wiped the my face with my shirt. I can't believe I had just murdered someone. But how can dead person die? The virus kills them, so they aren't human anymore. I tried to forget about it and got into the jeep. Mario got in and started the engine. More snarling was coming from behind us. Anatoly and Jim jumped in and we sped away.

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