Reunited with Friends

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After spending 3 hours in the traffic... that felt like 3 days! You finally arrived at your sweet home. You thought that your house will not be sweet anymore. This is because your worst nightmare was here and he would be living with you. You watched James, he picked up a large suitcase with no problem at all.

You thought he was really strong.

You opened the front door and you were hit with the delicious smell of food.

Y/N: We are home!

Carlos & Logan: Welcome!

Carlos: It's been so long!

James: I missed you Los and how can I forgot Logie bear!

Logan: James! stop calling me that! it's annoying

You watched James who bro hugged Carlos and Logan.

Carlos: Anyway, let's talk at the dining table. I made some dishes I think you might like James.

James: Thanks Los. The food smells great!

You saw everyone head over to the dining table. Something caught your eye and that was James who sat in your spot!

Y/N: (You coughed) Ahem! Excuse me Maslow- but that's my spot so move!

James: I'm not moving!

Y/N: Carlos!! Tell James to move he's in my seat!

Carlos: James please move (He made a pleading face)

James: I'm not moving! Y/N can sit next to Kendall.

Carlos: I'm not getting into this- Kendall you solve it!

Kendall: I already had to suffer with this for 3 hours!! You solve it!

Carlos: No you

Kendall: No you

Carlos: No you

Kendall: No you

Logan: ENOUGH! Y/N stop acting childish and sit next to Kendall!

Y/N: Me acting childish?! James, here, is the one acting like a 5 years old! Fine, I'll sit next to Kendall but only for today. Tomorrow, James will sit here!

You saw James snigger. You gave him a dirty look.

James finished before you.

James: The food was awesome Carlos!

Carlos: Well thank you.

James: Well if you don't mind, I am going to go to my new room.

Y/N: Do not touch anything of mine! Or I swear- You'll have no hands!

James: Bleh!

Y/N: Bleh!

After 10 Minutes:
You thought James went to the bathroom so you got a water bottle and started drinking it on your way to your room. You opened the door and saw James lying shirtless in your bed on his phone. Your water flowed out of your mouth on to your floor like Nigara Falls. You couldn't believe what you saw: His perfect abs. James turned and looked at you and smirked. However, as soon as you saw that smirk, you wiped off the water that was dripping down from your lip and you pushed James off your bed. James screamed OWWW really loudly that you had to cover your ears.


Y/N: That's MY BED!

James: REMEMBER we're sharing this room now! Meaning we share the bed!

Y/N: EWW! THAT'S DISGUSTING!! Just because we share a room, it doesn't actually mean we share the bed! Are you out of your mind?!

James: Are you out of yours? You fricking pinched my arm!

Y/N: BOO-HOO-HOO! Anyway it is my room which therefore means my rules! You're not sleeping on the bed you can sleep somewhere else. Don't you know a girl needs her privacy?!

James: Where else am I meant to sleep then!?

Y/N: THE FLOOR DUH!!  (You threw a pillow and two blankets at him) Oh and why don't you put a top on at least?  Come on dude! I don't wanna see you naked. Not even Carlos, Logan or Kendall do that.

James: (he sighed and put on a white tank top) HAPPY?!

Y/N: Really happy. (You lie in bed and you instantly fell asleep)

Downstairs: Kendall, Logan and Carlos are watching TV in the living room.

Carlos: Y/N and James still fight a lot.

Logan: It's driving me crazy already!

Kendall: What can you say? They are starting the relationship between themselves All Over Again.

All Over Again (A James Maslow Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now