Big Time Parents

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At this stage, BTR has moved in with you. You & James are sharing a room and Carlos & Alexa are sharing a room. You wake up and check your phone:
James: Hi. I'm at the Gym. Coming around 1 PM.
Max: Hey, can you meet me outside ASAP?

You put your nightgown and slippers on and head downstairs. You go outside and see Max with suitcases.

Y/N: Max?! Where are you going?

Max: I'm going back to my parents...

Y/N: Why?

Max: They need me.

You hug Max.

Y/N: Are you upset that me and James got back together?

Max: No, why would I be?

Y/N: Are You Sure?

Max: Y/N. You're my friend. And if you're happy with James. I'm happy.

You break the hug.

YN: You really mean that? That's so sweet Max.

Max: Yeah I do.

There is an awkward silence

Max: (coughs) Right I'm getting late... I need to get the train. Bye Y/N.

Y/N: Bye Max.

You give him one last hug and he goes.

You go inside and your phone starts ringing. You look at the Caller ID: Mum. You answer the phone call.

Y/N: Hi Mum.

Mum: Hello Y/N. It has been a long time, hasn't it?

Y/N: Long time since what?

Mum: You silly girl... It's been a long time since we've been together.

Y/N: Mum you know I'm busy.

Mum: I understand, but can't you make a little time for your parents?

Y/N: Mum, you know so much has happened since I left.

Mum: Just because I let you go live with the boys doesn't mean you lose complete contact with your parents.

Y/N: (sighs) Mum I'm 22!!

Mum: You're still my daughter.

Y/N: Okay, Okay... I'm Sorry.

Mum: That's a good girl. Anyway, text your father your address. We are going to come and visit you. We need to tell you something really important.

Y/N: Wait, you're coming TODAY?! I mean are you here now?

Mum: Yes.

Y/N: Um... Well Can we meet at a restaurant? You see um... The boys are working on their new song in the studio and they don't want to be disturbed.

Mum: Fine. Anyway, see you in a bit.

Y/N: Bye. (You hang up & sit on the sofa depressed)

Everyone comes downstairs

Kendall: Hi.


Logan: What?!

Y/N: I don't know what I'm going to do!! What shall I do?

Alexa: (puts an arm around you) I'm sure, everything will be fine.

Y/N: How? They are going to go ballistic when they find out I have a boyfriend.

Alexa: You didn't tell about you & James?!

All Over Again (A James Maslow Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now