'You Can't Be Serious'

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You and James run downstairs and angrily look at Kendall, Logan and Carlos.

Y/N: Right. Confess.

James: Who handcuffed us? (He raises his arm making you raise yours)

Logan spits his cereal out.

Logan: Woah.

Carlos: Ew. Clean that up.

Y/N: Did you do it Logan?

Logan: Do I look like I did it? I just spat my cereal out by looking at it. I'm almost as shocked as you are.

James: Well it's gotta be one of you guys. Kendall?

Kendall: No... What?! Pfft.

Y/N: (you weirdly look at Kendall) Carlos?

Carlos: No. I swear I didn't do it.

James: Kendall. Dude, why did you do it?

Kendall: I didn't do anything. I was asleep.

Carlos: Give it up Dude.

Kendall: Urgh. Fine. I did do it.

Y/N: You watch what I'll do to you..

Kendall: Not only me. Carlos was in on it too.

Carlos: He made me do it!! But I didn't handcuff you guys together. I just stood outside of the door.

James: Why Kendall?

Kendall: Cause I don't like seeing two of my best friends fighting. That's why.

Y/N: We're not fighting anymore..

Logan: Say What?

James: We made up this morning.

Carlos: Are You Sure?

Y/N: Yes we are sure.

Kendall: Are you lying to us?

Y/N: What do you mean lying?!

Kendall: So we take the handcuffs of you guys but then you start fighting even more.

James: Are you being serious right now?!!

Y/N: Look I Swear We Are Not Fighting.

James: I Swear Too. Dude where did you even get this Handcuff Idea from?

Kendall: A Book. It says it's a way to stop couples from fighting.

James: A Book Seriously?

Y/N: Just unlock this already..

Kendall: Okay. (Checks himself and awkwardly laughs) I don't have the key... Carlos?

Carlos: Don't look at me. You handcuffed them.

Y/N: You Lost the Key..

Kendall: (awkwardly laughs)


Kendall: help me find it Carlos!

Carlos: you lost it! You find it!

Kendall: pleaseee!!

Carlos: Fine!!

James: Um, now that they've gone to find the key let's make breakfast, I'm starving!

Y/N: Ok what do you want to make?

James: Let's check what's in the fridge

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