Chapter One

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                It seems like every fan thinks that they’re the one who’s going to be the lucky girl who marries on of the One Direction boys. These days, it seems to be getting rather old and tedious, especially since I’m convinced that I’m that lucky girl. I don’t generally like to share.

                I have a quirk, though. Instead of screaming, fainting, and fangirling in front of the general public like most girls do, I keep quiet. No one even knows I like One Direction; that is except for my best friend Jane, which, unfortunately, leads me to my failed attempt at attending a 1D meet and greet.

                “ But Mom—” I say, trying to hide the adrenaline and pleading in my voice.

                “No but’s Emily!” She says from the other side of the phone. “This is important!”

                I glance nervously over to the distant table where my five dream boys are meeting the fans and signing memorabilia.

                “Emily!” My mom says sternly, shocking back into paying attention to her.


                “Emily, you don’t even like them so what does it matter if you don’t get to meet them?” She says, exasperated that I don’t want to hear her utterly important news.

                “Well I paid for the tickets, so I suppose I should get my money’s worth!” I say, glancing over towards the signing table and long line again. Jane’s giving me a funny look from the line, urgently gesturing for me to hang up the phone and come join her.

                “I still don’t understand why you of all people had to go with Jane! Why couldn’t her parents take her?” I distantly hear my mom say. The blonde one, Niall, has caught me staring, and probably drooling, in the direction of the table. I see his chest heave several times before he looks away, indicating that he’s probably laughing at me. I blush up to my ears and quickly turn away. This is humiliating.

                “Mom, you said you had important news…” I try to prompt her so we can get this show on the road. Unfortunately, she’s already on a roll and won’t have it.

                “I don’t like that you are alone at a concert for one of those infernal boy bands! They make their money purely on screaming girls who they seduce into having sex with them!”

                “MOM!” I say indignantly.

                “You know it’s true Emily!”

                I only grunt, knowing I can’t protest because I really don’t want her to know I like One Direction. That’ll only get me a longer lecture. I glance back at Jane, who moved up considerably farther in line. She’s still gesturing me to hang up the phone. I shrug at her in response. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. She rolls her eyes at me and crosses her arms. Then she turns away and continues to stare intently at Harry Styles, whom she fancies.

                “So what was you’re news mom?” I say, some irritation inevitably seeping into my voice. She then goes on to tell me eighteen different things that happened at her doctor’s appointment, that I don’t care about, and what feels like nine hundred things about her argument with my dad today, which I didn’t want to know.

                By the time she’s done blabbering about her day, which was rather unimportant I might mention, Jane’s already made it through the line, taken some pictures, had her CD’s signed, and had her arm autographed by all five members. There’s also no time left at the meet and greet and my mom hangs up just as the boys are leaving.

                “Great.” I say, probably to no one.

       “What was that all about?” Jane asks, a new spring in her step, probably because she’s actually seen Harry.

                “Well,” I sigh, “while you were having the time of your life meeting our idols, I had the privilege of hearing all about my mother’s doctor appointment, which was no different than any of the others!”

                Jane stops walking. “That’s it?!”

                “But wait! That’s not all!” I stretch out my words like a television salesman, “I also got to hear about her argument with my dad.” I sigh again. “Ten bucks says he’ll probably call me in the middle of the concert and tell me his side and I’ll be forced to ‘mhmm’ and ‘uh-huh’ through the entire set.”

                Jane’s face softens. She knows how much my parent’s incessant fighting bothers me. I always try not to show it, but Jane sees right through me.

                “Give me your phone.” She says, forcefully holding out her hand.

                I look at her, confused. “Why?” I’m on my guard. She likes to take my phone and text boys to try and get me dates, which usually ends up with him coming up with some lame excuse why he can’t date me and me crying.

                “Just give it to me!” She says.


                “Look, you’ve already missed the meet and greet!” She puts her hands on her hips as she explains. “There is no way that I’m letting you miss the concert for an everyday argument! It’s stupid! If I have your phone, you won’t feel the need to pick up, and you can always  tell your parents that your phone accidentally ended up in my bag.”

                I silently consider her plan for a moment.

                “And what do you care if you don’t have your phone!” She says. “It’s not like you’re going to Instagram photos, or Vine a video, or ever tweet about the concert! Your phone is completely useless to you at this moment!” She gestures wildly at the basic phone in my hands, smartly pointing out all the things that I wish I could do on my phone, but can’t.

                “Ugh. Fine!” I say, dropping the phone in her hand.

                She smiles triumphantly the slides my simple phone in the abyss that is her purse. Jane then links her arm through mine and screams “Let’s go shopping!”

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