Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: OH MY GOSH GUYS I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN FOREVER! I've been super busy and I had writers block but I'M BACK!!! Please comment your thoughts and vote if you find it worthy!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to Gracetrahan for commenting on my last chapter and inspiring me to write this one and generally being a lovely human being! So Gracetrahan THIS IS FOR YOU! xx

Hope you enjoy!!!


                I vaguely sense the sharp yellow sunlight through my still-closed, half-asleep eyes. I grumble and try to turn over but find my legs and torso trapped by something; most likely my sheets. Irritated, I open my eyes, preparing to pull myself free. Instead of sheets, I see Niall’s vibrant blue eyes shining down on me in the sunlight.

                I let out a little squeal and throw myself backwards as much as I can with Niall’s arms around my waist. I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks in a deep blush and I place my hands on them in an attempt to hide my embarrassment.

                Niall looks momentarily confused and a little offended, before his eyes soften and he pulls me back into his chest.

                “Shh, I’m sorry,” he says stroking my hair, while I hide my face in his chest, “I didn’t mean to scare you. You just looked so cute when you were sleeping.”

                When I still don’t show him my face or say anything he chuckles, and I can feel the vibrations in his chest against my face and I get all embarrassed all over again. I feel him plant a kiss in my hair.

                “Don’t I get a good morning kiss?” he begs playfully. Still completely frozen with awkwardness against his chest, I don’t respond. After a few moments I feel his head lower towards mine, his nose trailing over the side of my face, nudging it up so that I’m finally looking at him enough so that he can attach his lips to mine briefly.

                “Good morning,” he says, holding my face with his own.

                “’Morning,” I say shyly. I try to shimmy my way out of his grasp but he still holds me close against his body.

                “Hey,” he says, his blue eyes locking with mine, “I promise I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” He holds me impossibly closer and trails little kisses all over the exposed side of my face, finally resting his head into my neck. “I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

                After a long pause he adds, “If you’re not comfortable with this, then we don’t have to do it tomorrow.”

                “No, no,” I choke out finally. “I’m just a little—“ I search for the right word, “—flustered.”

                “I seem to have that effect on women,” he smiles into my neck.

                I shove him away from me. “You don’t have to be rude about it,” I say crossly. I’d never admit it, but it’s hard to share him with so many women. I’m on the internet. I see everything that goes on. I pretend that I don’t, or that it doesn’t bother me that all these girls lust over my boyfriend, but it does. A lot.

                “Come here,” he says, smiling as he pulls me back into his chest, although this time my arms are crossed and he can’t get a good hold on me. “I’m sorry,” he says, still smiling, “I was just kidding around.”

                I make myself relax, and let out a small smile. “I know,” I say, letting him cuddle me into his chest again.

                He simply holds me for a few minutes before shyly speaking. “Can I say something?” I nod into his bare chest and he continues. “I really liked waking up next to you this morning,” I feel the heat rush into my cheeks again. He nudges my face up with his index finger so I’m looking at him again. “You’re really cute in the morning; the way you grumble and hum before waking up, the way your hair is all wild,” I panic and try to mush it down again, but his hands grab my arms before I can. “Don’t,” he begs, “I like it.”

                He stares at me for a moment, still holding my arms awkwardly. His blue eyes are wild with different emotions and are slightly out of focus. Finally, he focuses back on my face. “Can I kiss you?” he asks quietly.

                I’ve never seen him like this, almost vulnerable, and I nod in response. He pins my arms against the mattress as his lips slowly meet mine. At first he’s soft and gentle, almost a little unsure, but then he lets go of my arms and holds onto my face, becoming more passionate. He flips over so he’s lying on top of me, our bodies pressed tightly together. Our lips make patterns against each other, speaking a language without words.

                All pretense lost, I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer. I’ve never been kissed like this; so passionate, but also very sweet. His arms find my waist and his thumbs rub circles into my sides, in sync with the say his lips are moving against mine.

                Suddenly he becomes tense. I open my eyes in confusion as his lips leave mine and he lifts his body away.

                “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” He exclaims, looking down at me in horror.

                “Niall, what’s wrong?” I ask with concern, shrieking louder than I want in my confusion.

                He lifts his body off of mine completely and sits on the bed. I sit up too as he continues to stare at me with concern.

                “Did I hurt you?” He asks, reaching out to stroke my face, but pulling his fingers back before they make contact with my skin.

                “Niall, why would you have hurt me?” I ask, my voice softer, trying to make sure he’s alright.

                “I didn’t want to push you so far if you’re uncomfortable and I got carried away and I’m so sorry,” he gushes at me, his words almost lacing together.

                It’s my turn to chuckle as I reach for his face. I place a gentle kiss on his lips. Even though it’s short and sweet, I still feel a twinge of passion with layers of something else. “Thank you for being concerned and thoughtful for me,” I say, pulling away. His lips follow mine, and he aims a sloppy kiss at my cheek.

                “I’m still sorry,” he says.

                “Don’t be,” I say standing up and heading towards the door. I open it and head into the hallways before turning around and adding, “I enjoyed it very much.”

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