Chapter 10 Packing Up

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Brooke's POV

35 minutes later

Rhett, Link, and I were packing up all my possessions. I couldn't believe my mother died. I felt so empty, like I was all alone in my journey through life. I didn't have either of my parents there to help me get through it. All I had was my aunt, who practically hated being part of my family. I knew I had Rhett and Link, but they had families of their own to worry about. I'm sure after we film the episode they'll forget all about me. 

I was depressed, but I couldn't tell anyone. My aunt won't care and Rhett and Link have already done too much for me. I couldn't possibly worry them with my stupid problems. I tried to push these horrible thoughts out of my head, but that wasn't happening. I sighed as I crammed more of my clothes into my suitcases. I hadn't lived at this house for long, but I knew I would miss it. Link was helping pack up my stuff and Rhett was in the other room packing away my mother's possessions.

"You okay, Brooke," Link said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, just great," I said and sighed.

 A tear slowly fell from my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I didn't want Link to see me crying again. I had to be strong. I'm 16 after all. I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm practically an adult. 

Link sighed and put his arm around me.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. You'll see her again  one day. I'm sure she's watching you right now from up there," Link said and pointed heavenwards, " And I don't think she'd want you to be a wreck, now would she?"

I sighed again and shook my head "No"

"Just be grateful for the time you got with her and never stop thinking of her. Don't get depressed. That's the last thing she wants for you. Keep doing video editing, your talent, but this time, do it for her. Make her proud," Link said and kissed the top of my head.

I looked up into those gorgeous, blue eyes. I began to cry again, but not of sadness. I was somehow, happy. I gave Link a tight hug and buried my face into his chest. He held me so close, I could hear the constant beating of his heart. It was somehow relaxing. I closed my eyes, forcing the rest of the tears to be released. I pulled back and smiled widely at Link. I wasn't depressed anymore! I actually felt pretty good. I knew life would be harder without her, but I would make it as great as I can, just to make her proud.

"I felt so depressed, so empty. But that short little speech you made, has really helped me, Link. Thank you so so much! I know life will be hard, but I feel like I can still make it through. And I will, for Mom. She means the world to me and I want to make her proud. Thank you so so much!" I said as I looked into his deep, blue eyes.

"Of course, Brooke. I'm so glad you're feeling better now," Link said and began to pack my things again. I shoved the last of my clothes into the suitcase and checked to make sure I missed nothing. I would have to get the rest of my stuff and my mom's old stuff later. I had to be at my aunt's house in forty-five minutes and she lived a half an hour away. I grabbed the suitcase and carried it out to Rhett and Link's work car. They followed close behind me. I put the address in the GPS and took a deep breath. Time to see Aunt Teri for the first time in eight years. This was going to interesting.


Hey Mythical Beasts!

I tried to make this chapter a little better written than the others have been so far. Tell me what you think in the comments. Please check out silveroak6's book, Mythical Pack. It's one of the best fanfics I've ever read! I think you'll love it! Thanks for all of your reads, votes, and comments! It makes me so happy to see people actually enjoying what I write!



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