Badass? I guess.

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I woke up the next morning and my heart leapt up into my throat realizing that me and jc had fell asleep. I quickly got up and threw on a oversized sweatshirt and sloely opened my bedroom door. I listened quietly and breathed a sigh of relief after hearing my moms soft snores coming from her room. Thank goodness she didn't wake up and open my door yet. She might have thought me and jc, well you know what.
But it was 9:30 am and my mom has her alarm clock set for 10:00. I needed to get Jc out of my room before she wakes up.
I closed my door again and crept over to jc gently shaking him.
" What?" He grumbled and opened his eyes and he smiled.
" Jc, you need to go. My moms going to be up in a half hour. I dont want to get in trouble." I looked down at him and spoke as quietly as possible.
" Oh shit. Ok." Jc scrambled out if my bed and gave me a quick hug and kiss.
I opened the window and he started climbing down the tree right outside my room.
" Bye." I smiled and blew him a kiss.
" Love you." He whisper shouted back up to me.
I closed my window and crept back into bed wishing he could have stayed longer.
I heard my moms alarm clock go off and her rustling as she got out of bed and walked over to my room. She opened the door and i bit my lip in a smirky smile and buried myself under my sheets so she couldn't see my smile.
" Time to get up sweetie. Im making pancakes and bacon for breakfast."
I almost said: i have been up since 9:00 helping Jc sneak out of my room.
But instead i said: " okay thanks mom. I will be down in a few.
I heard her leave and my phone went off with a text ftom jc.
Jc: Your a badass 😏

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