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Lia and her friends stayed away from me and jc for the rest of the day and it was actually relieving not to have a bitch on me every five seconds. It made the day great.
   After school me and jc walked home together and he was teasing me about how much of a badass i was and it should've been him beating someone up.
" I guess im stronger than you then." I challenged.
He laughed. " Really?"
I nodded.
" I don't think so!" Jc picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and spun in a circle.
" Are you still stronger then me Ari?"
Laughing i lightly pounded on his back.
" Let me down!!!" I screeched.
He let me down on the ground and i gave him a kiss.
Pretty soon we were on our street and i gave him a hug goodbye and started heading to my front door when he grabbed me around the waist.
" Babe do you think your mom would let you stay at my house while my mom and sister are gone? " He shifted his weight from foot to foot indicating that he was nervous to ask this.
" Um I honestly dont know...i can ask tonight if you want and then i will text you what she says." I smiled and ruffled his curly hair.
" Okay." Jc kissed my cheek and started to walk across the street.
I walked into the house, took off my shoes and set my backpack down and went upstairs to find my mom.
    " Hi mom." I peeped my head into her bedroom door and waved.
" Oh hey sweetie! How was school?" She looked up from her magazine she was reading and smiled.
  I decided not to tell her about me and Lia's little cat fight so i just smiled back and told her it was good.
" Thats good. Well i was thinking since its Friday maybe you and jc would like to go out for pizza or something. Or we can order in and watch a movie? What sounds better?"
" Can Jc cone over and we can order in?" I asked
" Yup. Is there something you need or are you just saying hi?"
    My mom put her magazine to the side of the bed and got up. She walked over to the doorway where i was standing.
    " I um actually have a question for you." I cracked my knuckles  and breathed in deeply.
" Ariana please dont crack your knuckles its gross. What is it that you need to ask me?" She looked at me confused.
" Well Jc's mom and sister are leaving for like a week and he wanted to know of i can stay over there until they get back. So I guess im asking for your permission to do so." I braced myself waiting for the no.
    " Sure." My mom smiled warmly.
" Wait what?" I said shocked.
  " Jc is very nice and respectful and i trust him. He wouldn't hurt you and i feel it would be a good experience. So yes you can spend a week there. And also your literally right across the street, so i can check up easily. "
I gave my mom a  hug.
" Thank you so much mom! I love you."
She hugged me back.
" No problem Ariana. Your mature enough and your responsible. Go call Jc and see if he wants to come over for pizza."
" Mkay."
I bounced out of my moms room and called Jc.

The bad boy ( jc caylen fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now