The Valentine's Dates

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Sorry I didn't get to do this on Valentine's. I was really busy.

Aphmau's POV

The next day it was Valentine's Day. Kawaii~Chan decorated our house with pink paper hearts and flowers.

"It looks like pink vomited all over our house," Katelyn said.

"Katelyn, it's Valentine's Day. It's supposed to be like this," I said

"Ugh, can't we add a little blue?" asked Katelyn.

"You'll have to ask Kawaii~Chan," I said.

"Fine," Katelyn said heading over to Kawaii~Chan.

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I headed over to the door and opened it. Aaron was at the door. "Hi Aaron."

"Hi Aphmau, I have a Valentine's present for you." He took out a bouquet of flowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates and gave them to me. "These are for you."

"Awww... thank you Aaron you're so sweet."

"You're welcome, Aphmau."

"Wanna come in?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

We chatted for a while until I suddenly remembered something. "Oh no, I forgot to check the mail! Be back in a minute."

I went outside and checked the mail. I saw a letter for me. I was from Travis. It said:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Your butt looks nice,

Look behind you

I looked behind me and saw Travis. I was scared because he suddenly popped out of nowhere. I punched him.

"Ow! What was that for!"

"Oops, sorry Travis, you scared me there."

"Well anyways can I ask you out on a...double date?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well...I'm asking Katelyn out on a date and I thought that it would be funner if it was a double date."

"Ok, sure but I don't know who to ask yet, Travis."

"Don't worry, I have that all taken care of," said Travis as he took out my phone and started texting...Aaron!

"Give me back my phone Travis!"

"Never! Haha! Hey baby, wanna go out on a double date tonight? And...send." Travis gave me back my phone.

"Uhh...sure." Replied Aaron.

"Why would Aaron reply to a text like that?" I asked.

"Well...the problem's solved." said Travis.

"Aphmau! Aphmau!" I could hear Garroth and Laurence shouting.

"Ugh...not again."

"Aphmau, will you be my Valentine?" asked Garroth.

"Back off Garroth, she's gonna be my Valentine!" said Laurence.

"Guys, I'm busy tonight, okay? I have to help Travis with his date with Katelyn by going on a double date."

"Okay then...Garroth you think we should join them...I mean if that is fine with you."

"Yeah it's fine," I replied.

"But...where are we going to get our Valentine's buddies?" asked Garroth.

"We'll find out," replied Laurence.

"Oh! We can invite everyone to our double dates!" I said, "I mean like, it would be fun to hang out with everybody today."

"I think that's a great idea Aph," Travis said.

---Time Warp---

Everyone was at the mall. Michi was with Zane, Dante with Nicole, Garroth with Cadenza, Laurence with Lucinda, Travis with Katelyn, and Aaron with me.

Travis announced that we were going to go to the arcade first. Everyone was having fun. Including Aaron and me.

"Aphmau, I need to go get something. Stay here. Be back in a minute," Aaron told me.

"Okay," I said.

Michi's POV

Hehehe. I swapped this love potion from Lucinda and now Aaron will be mine, all mine. Now let me just throw this love potion there...and wait what?! I'm Aphmau? Hmm...maybe Aaron likes Aphmau. Purrfect way to get him all to myself. Now all I have to do is make Aaron think I'm really Aphmau. Nya!

Aaron's POV

I was going off to get something when I saw Aphmau step out of the restroom.

"Aphmau, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just had to use the restroom that's all," she said, "Now tell me handsome, do you like me?"

Hmm...Aphmau isn't acting like herself...strange.

"Of course I do," I replied.

"Then kiss me," she said. She pulled closer to me...then. Aphmau turned into Michi.

Then the real Aphmau came. "Aaron..."

"N-no Aphmau this is not what it looks like." Aphmau started crying.

Garroth's and Laurence's POV



G- Laurence should we tell them what happened?

L-Yeah, I guess so, Aphmau is our I don't want to see her hurting like this.

G-Yeah, I guess you're right, let's go.

Aphmau's POV

I was hurt and crying. Why would Aaron do such a thing. But then Laurence and Garroth came.

"Aphmau, Aaron's telling the truth," Garroth said.

"Yeah, Michi used some type of potion to make her look like you so she could have Aaron all for herself," said Laurence.

"Aaron is this true?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Ugh, my plan is ruined because of you! Hmph! Michi out! Nya!" Michi walked away.

---Time Warp---

The Valentine's dates were over. Everyone had tons of fun. Aaron walked me over to my house.

"See you tomorrow," he said.

"You too," I said.

We both leaned closer and closer to each other until... "Young lady! What are you doing! It's past your curfew!"

"Gah! Zane! What are you doing in my house?"

"Well i guess it's time for me to leave," Aaron said before he left.

"Get in the house young lady you are grounded!" Zane said.

"Ugh, dad! Leave me alone! You're ruining my life!"  

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