What To Believe

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When I wake up I feel groggy. My eyes are heavy and my body feels weak. I look around an unfamiliar room, this isn't my bed. I want to get up but my legs won't move.

"How are you feeling?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I move my head to the side and I see Jason sitting on a chair next to the bed I'm laying in with a glass of water with a straw in his hand.

"Here," he says handing me the glass, "have some water."

I try to pull myself up but I can't. Jason sets the water down on a table next to the bed and grabs my arm to help me. I began to open my mouth but I feel like I swallowed a bunch of cotton. It's beyond dry. Jason must have read my thoughts as he puts the straw to my lips. Water never tasted so good, it soothes my throat but I just can't get enough. I look up at Jason and he's smiling at me, I wonder what he's thinking. I look around the room and realize I was in Jason's room. There's posters with cars and girls, typical guy, I recognize his laptop and backpack. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it be.

"All better?" He asks me setting the glass down and interrupting my thoughts.

I slowly nod my head. It feels like pin needles in my brain.

"You were pretty gone last night." He says.

Last night?!? He must have found me and brought me home. The last thing I remember is kissing him and everything went black, only it wasn't him!!

Does he know? How can I tell him? He's going to hate me. I can't keep a secret from him, he's my boyfriend.

"What happened last night?" I ask Jason in a crackling voice.

"Well I went to go park the car and when I got up to the house I couldn't find you, I kept calling you and calling you on your phone and about 30 minutes later Heather grabs me and pulls me to the kitchen where you were just laying on the floor passed out. So why don't you tell me what happened?" He didn't sound mad but a little disappointed.

"I don't remember, Heather told me to go get the glow sticks, and I swear it was you that I handed it to since you were standing next to her, and you took me to the kitchen and gave me that drink," I clear my throat not wanting to go any further, "and I woke up here."

"I wasn't anywhere near you. I didn't see you after I dropped y'all off, whatever you drank had to have been spiked. But that's Aaron's party for you." Jason said. I know he's trying not to sound upset but I have so much regret in me. I want to tell Jason I kissed another guy thinking it was him.

"I hope nobody saw me.." My voice trails off.

"I doubt it, everyone was way too fucked up to pay attention what was going on. No one even noticed you there, except Heather. I don't even know how she saw you." Jason said suspiciously.

That's when it snaps in my mind.

Heather saw me give the glow stick to who ever it was and didn't even try to stop me. She saw me walk away with him and let me go. She has to know who it was! I could have been raped and she would have known all about it.

I tell Jason what I'm thinking, "Heather saw me give the glow stick to that guy. She has to know something." I tell Jason.

"Heather is your friend, she wouldn't let you do that would she?" Jason asked me.

"Only one way to find out." I grab my phone and dial Heathers number.

She answers on the third ring,"Hello?"she still sounds asleep.

"We need to talk. Meet me at Jason's. Now." I don't give her time to respond.


I'm sitting on Jason's bed trying to put the pieces together from what happened last night when Heather walks in. She looks horrible, her make up is everywhere and she's still wearing the same clothes, at least Jason let me borrow a shirt and boxers to wear.

"Where's the fire?" Heather asks sarcastically.

"Sit down." Jason demanded walking past her.

Heather sits down and looks confused.

"What's going on?" She asks me with a concerned look in her face.

"You tell me?" I ask her staring straight into her soul. I know she has something to do with what happened.

"I need more details as to what you're wanting to know." Her eyes are locked in to mine.

"Who was that guy from last night, it wasn't Jason I gave the bracelet to." I tell her not taking my eyes off of her.

"What the fuck are you talking about Andrea?" She sounds irritated.

"You told me to go get the glow sticks and paper and I did and I handed it to you and a guy who I thought was Jason." I'm pissed that she's playing stupid.

"What guy?!" She yells.

"That guy who was next to you that I walked off with!" I yell back at her.

"You're losing your fucking mind! There was no one next to me, you handed me the glow stick and paper and walked off." She is such a good liar.

"Heather, are you serious right now?!?" I practically scream.

"Okay enough ladies," Jason interrupts and looks at Heather, "what happened?"

"I told Andrea to go get the stuff and she came back handed me the LSD and then SHE took one her self and walked off. There was no guy there Jason." Sounding so believable.

LSD?!? As in Acid!!

I know for a fact I didn't take that shit, there was definitely a guy there, I didn't imagine it.

"You're such a fucking liar Heather!" I yell at her.

"You know what? Fuck you Andrea. I don't need this shit." Heather grabs her keys and walks out of Jason's room.

We're sitting there in silence and I hear her car door slam and she drives off.

"Maybe you did take it and are imagining it all." Jason says.

"No Jason, this was real. I'm telling you, Heather is trying to cover her own ass, you can't believe her." I say practically in tears.

Jason sits next to me and wraps his arm around me. He kisses me hair and says, "We'll figure it out, just lay down and get some sleep."

I adjust my self on the bed and Jason lays next to me and wraps his arms around me. I feel like I could sleep for days. I wish this would all just go away.

Maybe I am going crazy. Maybe Heather was right, maybe I did take it, and if I did I wouldn't have to tell Jason about this guy I was getting all hot and bothered for.

That thought makes my stomach go in knots.

And with that my eyes feel heavy and I'm fast asleep.

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