Chapter 2

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Lunch came around, and I headed towards my table.

I saw Zach and Sheridon sitting there along with another head of brown hair.

"Hey everyone." I said taking a seat next to Zach.

"Sup sis?" Sheridon said eating her spaghetti.

"You must be Christine." I said to the brunette girl I didn't recognize.

"Yeah." she replied folding a napkin over her lap, before eating her salad.

I took the tomatoes off my burger, then took a bite.

"I can't believe you don't like tomatoes Kelsi." Zach said to me.

"I cand beweve choo do." I said speaking with my mouth full.

"Ew." Christine muttered.

I then felt embarrassed, and swallowed my food, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"Everyone likes tomatoes." Zach argued.

"No they don't!!" Sheridon snapped up. "Those things are disgusting! Only one third of the entire human population eats that wanna be vegetable! I would know! I researched it for my report." 

Zach stared at her like she was crazy.

"Okay then...never mind." he said.

I laughed.

"I should've warned you. Sheridon really doesn't like tomatoes." I said.

"Yeah I can see." Zach said laughing too.

"I hate them things." Sheridon muttered, grimacing.

I just laughed harder.

Christine just sat there quietly, eating her salad.

"So, Zach doesn't this school have like a dance coming up soon?" she asked. 

He nodded.

"Yeah. Me, Kelsi, and Sher all decided to go as a group. We did that last year." he said. 

It's true. None of us ever got dates. That was just too cliche. We always had fun together.

"Oh. Well that's...different." Christine replied.

"Yeah, but it's fun." I said.

She shrugged and closed her empty salad box, before flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. Then, she tapped her fingers on the table as Sheridon glared at Will to stop staring at her.

"Well, since I'm new and all, Zach do you mind showing me around school for the rest of the day?" she asked.

Of course, he as the nice person he is, agreed.

"Thanks." she said, then got up to throw away her food. My eyes widened.

"You're done already?" I asked surprised.

"It was only a salad. Plus you're done that...meat, and you don't see me talking..." she said.

I frowned. I didn't know if she was getting smart with me or what, but either way I didn't care. It was a known fact that I'm a fast eater, and I was just shocked to meet someone else who had that in common with me. 

"Well yeah...but." I was cut off.

"She always eats fast. You should see her at home." Sheridon said laughing. I rolled my eyes at her, and Christine just turned away. 

"Anyway though, since you're up. Do you mind throwing this away?" I asked handing her my empty plate.

She grimaced and took it and handled it as if it were dirty trash, then tossed it away.

Maybe it's just in my head, but she seemed to be a bit bitchy. Of course I didn't say anything though. I mean, surely Sheridon or Zach would've noticed anyway. 


So, there's chapter two. I know it's still not that interesting, but the next chapter's better I promise. Feel free to comment and vote if you'd like :)

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