Chapter 2

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I came to the door that lead to the throne room and was about to enter when a hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back. I span around, ready to fight whoever had dared touched me so, only to find my fiancé Charles.

Charles was nothing but a pedantic snob. He thought himself handsome, witty and brave. After I first met Charles it took me 10 seconds to compile a list in my head why he was nothing of the sort and it was then that I began to detest the very thought of a life with him.

He had dull brown hair that was so smooth and perfect it bored me, his eyes showed neither glimmer nor excitement and were a muddy brown colour that was quite unappealing and his thin lips showed nothing but grimaces and frowns. He was not handsome.

His jokes were weak and unamusing. When we first met our converse lasted but a minute and then he got tired with me and turned back to his lords and ministers. He was boring and cared only for talking about himself and his non-existent achievements. He was not witty.

The most daring thing he had ever done was kill the spider that lurked the hall and even then he had stepped on it by accident. He had never gone to war, never fought another man and had trouble just to draw out his sword. He was not brave.

Yes, this was the man I was now planning to spend the rest of my life with. He glared at me, thinking me a nuisance to his superiority, and immediately began to scold me.

“What do you think you’re doing Eleanor!?” He asked, frowning.

“Why Charles, I believe I have come for the same reason as you.” I replied lifting my head high so to stare in his dull eyes.

“Please excuse my being frank dear Eleanor, but you will be nothing but a hindrance in that room. Now go back to your chambers and stay safe.”

Anger swirled up from the pit of my stomach. How dare he treat me with such disrespect!

“Charles I have a right to be in their! The letter said anyone with a title must attend. Now are you going to accompany me in or shall I go by myself?”

He gaped at me, shocked that a lady would have such defiance against him.

“Eleanor I must decline. Go back to your chambers this instant.”

That was it. I was ready to snap. My mouth opened and just before I could begin to yell at him, we both heard a small cough.

Turning towards the noise, great fear entered my heart. Standing before us was no other than the dark king Erik himself. I allowed my eyes to run over him, taking in his fearsome appearance. He was tall and wore dark red robes that defined his well-toned body. His skin was sickly pale almost tinged grey yet he looked strong and healthy like any other man. Black strands of wild hair lay over his eyes and his eyes... they were the most terrifying things I had ever seen. Once beautiful emerald green was now hardened with fear and anger so much so that you couldn’t even consider how pretty the colour was. It was like all happiness had gone and this was all that remained of him.

“King Erik” said my fiancé bowing low, probably trembling in his expensive boots, “Excuse us for interrupting your path. I was just taking Princess Eleanor here back to her chambers.”

Charles tried to grab my hand but I pushed it away. King Erik smiled at this.

“Why Prince Charles I am sure there is no reason why Miss Eleanor here cannot join us in the throne room” he said in a cool voice bowing at me.

I returned with a curtsey “Why thankyou King Erik”

Charles gaped at me, then at Erik. He swallowed whatever remark he had and nodded quietly, like the coward he was. He would never speak back to a man with a much power as Erik. I turned to the doors and gently opened them inviting the King inside.

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