Chapter 32

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[(Y/N)'s PoV]

"you sure about this?" The regular Sans looked at me and I kissed his teeth. "Of course, he's the only one who knows how do get them back, even if it means we have to dig through the whole underground."

"wait, so we're looking for the flower?" Underfell Sans asked. I nodded. "ugh." He crossed his arms. "he annoys me."

"Not the one you know, the one we know. He's evil. He took special information we need. With that information, well..."

Scientist Sans looked at me. "he can become all powerful?" I nodded sadly. "well, human! i believe in us! mweh heh heh!" They all started talking and looked happy, even. Regular Sans grabbed my shoulder. "listen, what are we gonna do about the baby, though? you've been missing for 7 months, in underground time, and i'm pretty sure they've noticed that having a belly like that isn't usual. we haven't even thought of a name!"

"Relax Sans, I'm sure the baby will be fine."

"a baby?" I heard a Scientist Sans ask. "you're pregnant?!" Outertale Sans gushed. "can i poke it?!"

"now why the fuck would you ask to poke a woman's stomach because of a baby?!" Underfell Sans looked at Outertale Sans. "well, i've never experienced someone being pregnant before."

"none of us have, stupid." The two started fighting until Scientist Sans threw a random chair at them. "SANS, WHAT WAS THAT?!" Papyrus screamed from downstairs. "nothing!" Regular Sans answered. "I'M GOING UP THERE."

"oh ever loving god, hide in my closet guys." Regular Sans pushed them all into his closet somehow, and shut the doors. "sh. don't talk at all." They all whispered 'okay' and they stayed silent. The door opened. "AH, (Y/N)! SO GLAD TO SEE YOU SAFE AND SOUND!" Papyrus hugged me lightly and then Sans. "ANYWAYS, HOW DID YOU GET THAT CHAIR UP HERE?" Sans shrugged and Papyrus sighed. "YOU'RE ALWAYS MAKING RANDOM THINGS APPEAR BROTHER." A sneeze came from the closet. "aheheh, uh, bless myself." Sans said out loud so Papyrus could think it was him and not check the closet.

Papyrus wouldn't get out though. He grabbed the doorknob to the closet and I grabbed Sans' face, kissing it. Sans knew what I was trying to do, so he played along. "EW, SERIOUSLY? WHILE I'M IN THE ROOM? MY LORD SANS, YOU ARE THIRSTY." Papyrus grabbed the chair. "CAN YOU NOT?"

We continued.

"UGH, I'LL BE DOWNSTAIRS NOW. DO WHATEVER YOU WISH, I GUESS." He walked out and shut the door and we heard him walk downstairs. We stopped kissing and he highfived me, and the Sanses all fell out of the closet. "woah wait, that's papyrus in this timeline?" Underswap Sans asked. "Yeah, he's like you." I sat down on Sans' bed. "cool!" Frisk appeared from nowhere with the Reset button. "I couldn't get to their timelines, but I found another Sans."

"why would you-"

"flip-a-dip-dip!" A Sans with bright clothing, and sunglasses that say 'YOLO' on them appeared from behind Frisk. "Underfresh."

"woah, totally tubular! look at all of you swaggers that look like me!" Scientist Sans cringed so badly he had to go back in the closet.

[Jeremy's PoV]

Dave's been carrying me around bridal style for a few hours, and I'm starting to fall asleep. It's evening anyways. I leaned on his chest and snuggled up next to him, not realizing it. "Heh, you really want me, huh?" I jumped and screamed. Dave laughed. "It's okay bro, you can sleep. At least you don't have to hear Osaki and Shannon's gossiping about their fandoms and crap." I looked back at the two, currently speaking about Doctor Who.

"Eh, I can stay up."

"No, I suggest you sleep. Besides, I think you're cu- uh, you look tired." I stared at him. I've never noticed how his bandanna made his hair more brighter, it looked great. I even noticed a slight bruise on his cheek. I kept examining him. His face, his perfect voice.

"You gonna keep staring at me, or...?" I looked away. "S-Sorry." We kept walking until we reached a steep hill. "Ooh, too bad. I think we'll have to use all of our weight to get up~" Osaki was eating Ramen. "Wh- How did you get Ramen?" Dave asked.

"I made it just now, duh-doy~" She smiled. "I'll find a way to get up! I can go around the hill~ I'll come back if I find anything!" She ran off, plastic fork and Ramen in hand.

"Now what?" Shannon asked.

"We camp here," (Y/N)'s dad said. "Sleep until Osaki comes back. We have to make tents though." (Y/N)'s dad took off his backpack and took out two tents. "I'll stay up to monitor the camp." Jack said. "Okay then. Dave and Jeremy share one, and us three get the other."

"Okay, I'm cool with that." Dave said, setting me down on my feet. "Let's set up the tents now." Dave added, nervously.

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