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Rachel's Pov

"Hey beautiful" I hear Harry from behind me.

"Hey" I say turning my head over my shoulder to see him.

"Making breakfast I see" he says from behind giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Oh god he has morning wood.

"Yeah, thought you'd like some" I say trying to play it off.

"Smells good" he says pressing his bulge harder on me.

"Harry" I half moan teasing him.

"Fück baby girl don't tease me right now" he says leaving wet kisses down my neck.

"Hmm" I respond to him and the wet kisses he's leaving.

I remove the hand I had on the pan and bring it to where his bulge is and start palming it. He growls at my action, I smirk at the effect I have on him. He suddenly flips me over so I am facing him now, he starts kissing me hungrily, and his hands start roaming my body. I tangle my hands in his curly mop of hair, moaning into the kiss. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. He starts thrusting his bulge against my core. I moan at the sensation, even though we still have clothes on, but oh I can feel it and oh god I want it.

"Harry" I moan at him not doing anything else. We start kissing once again and he lays me on the counter and goes straight to my clït and starts rubbing it through my shorts. I start moaning at his actions. He puts his hand at the rim of my shorts and takes them off quickly. He starts working on my clït again and I squirm under him. He takes a finger and starts pumping them in and out of my core. He inserts another finger and starts pumping faster with no mersey.

"Fück Harry I'm close" I whimper.

"Fück me too baby girl, hold it in until I release" He commands stroking his length, that I hadn't noticed was out.

"Harry I can't please" I cry out.

"No hold it in you have to wait" He looks at me sternly.

I bite my lip hard, almost biting it off.

"Fück I can't" I warn him and release. My breathing is erratic as I come down from my high.

"I told you to wait" Harry says.

"I know sorry" i tell him.

"It's fine you're paying me later" he says with a smirk.

"Wait what?" I ask him.

"Shoot I'm late to work, I'll see you later yeah?" He says pulling up his boxers and kisses me.

"Yeah" I tell him kissing him back.

With that I jump off the counter and get ready and head out, Harry to his work and I go to mine. I get to work and start serving people. It's a rainy and cold day so it's pretty packed in the coffee shop. Tony, Hanna, and I run around serving people their drinks and meals like crazy. It hasn't been this packed in a while and to be honest I don't miss it, but hey at least we get to see new people.

"Hey Rach something came for you in the mail today" Tony informs me once we have served everyone in the shop.

"Oh alright, can I have it?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure, here" he says taking out a white envelope from his apron.

"Thanks" I tell him getting the envelope.

"You can take your lunch break now, it's pretty calm now, and Hanna and I can handle it if another wave of customers come" He smiles.

"Oh alright" I tell him walking over to our mini locker room we have at the back of the shop. I sit on one of the benches and look at the envelope. "From my school?" I say out loud to no one. I turn the envelope around to open it. I take out the letter and start reading it.

Dear Ms. Evans, the Deans of Wilson University have noticed that you have missed more than a month's worth of class, which is reflecting on your current grades. We have also noticed that you have been on probation because of bad grades, which you know that if you do not raise them in a certain period of time will lead to consequences. On that note, this letter is to inform you that you can no longer attend Wilson university until the next session begins. The rules are the rules Ms. Evans and we are very sorry to be informing you of this. Wilson University will be waiting for you next session.

Sincerely, Wilson University

Are you serious right now? This is exactly what I needed in my life right now. I put the letter back inside the envelope and put in my bag. I sit on the bench for a while with my head on my hands that rest on my knees. I think back on how I have been missing so much classes because I come work to help my dad instead of myself.

"Rach there's a phone call for you" Tony tells me from the entrance of the locker room.

"Who is it?" I ask looking up.

"From the hospital"

"What!?" I stand up and walk to the phone.

"Hello?" I say into the phone "This is she, uh huh, Oh my god, okay yes I'm on my way" I say putting the phone back.

"Rach what's wrong?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see someone i wasn't expecting to see. Lake

"Rach what's wrong?" he asks again.

"My dad was admitted in the hospital I have to go see him" I say panic laced in the voice.

"Here I'll take" He offers.I don't think twice about his offer and accept it. I get my stuff and we head out to his car.

"Which hospital?" He asks turning on the car.

"Huntington Hospital" I tell him. Before long we arrive at the hospital and before he parks I tell him to drop me off at the Emergency room so I don't waste time looking for a parking with him. I get out of the car and run into the Emergency room asking for my dad. A nurse informs me of where they have my dad.

Moments later Lake comes in and finds me sitting in a chair crying quietly. He sits next to me and hugs me, we stay like this for a while before my father's doctor appears.

"Family of Mr. Evans" he asks.

"Me, I'm his daughter,Rachel, how is he Doc?" I ask him.

"Hello Rachel, I'm Doctor Brown, he is stable and responding well to our medication but I would like to keep him here for observations, not going to lie here. When he came in our unit doubted that he was going to make it through from the heavy dose of drugs he had. But fortunately he is pulling through." He says with a smile.

"Can I see him?" I ask.

"Not right now, but you will be able to visit when we place him in a room, we will keep you posted Rachel, now if you excuse me I'm going to get back to my other patients." He says shaking my hand and a warm smile on his face.

"Oh my god" I turn to face Lake and start crying and rambling into his chest, he puts his arms around me in a hug and rubs my back to comfort me. He kisses my forehead and hugs me closer to him telling me that everything will be okay. Right when I'm about to say something I hear someone say my name.

"Rach?" I hear Harry say, I turn to face him and he's glaring at Lake like he's about to kill him.


So zayn on Jimmy fallon tonight ;) I'm totally staying up to see it like shît my boo boo is ganna perform!! and rumors are that he's singing a new song!!!!!????? idk tho we'll just have to wait and see. peace, love, don't die


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