CHAPTER 12/Stoick's Story

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I couldn't believe it. I had known Tobias for the past five years and I didn't know that he was Stoick, Hiccup's son! As everyone celebrated the return of the Chief's son, I noticed how similar Stoick was to Hiccup. He sighs and I asked, "Hey, are you all right?" He looks at me and said, "Oh, me? Yeah, I'm all right, Heather, just a little bit overwhelmed, that's all." I looked at him with a curious look. He asked, "What's wrong, Heather? Did I do something wrong?" I rolled my eyes, "Duh. You could've told us that you were Stoick when we first met!" He laughed, "Hey, I know that I didn't tell you and Dagur who I was, but I'm willing to explain everything now, how I ran away, how we met. Come with me." I groaned and joined him with Darklite and his family and friends.


I went to the table where Dad and the others were waiting for us. I sighed and I sat down next to Ash and Heather. I said, "This is quite new to me. I have so much to tell you, I don't know where to begin." Dad suggested, "Beginnings are always nice. Why you start with that?" I grinned and said, "Well... It all started when I was still in Berk. I felt alone in the world of Vikings and Dragons alike. One day, after Dragon Training, I went to the woods alone and I um, accidentally encountered a Night Fury in his territory. That Night Fury was Darklite." Eric looks at Darklite and said, "I can't believe that a fishbone encountered a Night Fury. That's incredible yet, kinda stupid." I shrugged, "I didn't mean to step into his territory. It was a mistake and I didn't know what I was doing in that time. I was afraid that he might attack me on the spot, so, I ran away from him and went back to the village. When Gobber showed us the Book of Dragons, I decided to read it. When I discovered that Darklite was a Night Fury, I decided that I needed to find him and trained him myself." Everyone looked at me with awe. "Wait, you mean to tell us that you wanted to go back to the woods.... Alone? Stoick, what were you thinking?!?" Ash said, surprised. "Hey, give him a break, Ash. He wanted to go back and train the Unholy Offspring of life and Death itself!" Eric points out. Dad said, conuring, "You know what? Eric does have a point there. Sorry, Son, continue your story." I continued, "So, the next morning, I woke up early and sneaked off into the woods to see if I can find Darklite. I did find him eventually and he was quite curious about why I came back. I told him that I wanted to apologize about the other day when we encounter one other. Darklite showed me his tail and it looks like that he lost his left tailfin. He told me that Viggo was the one who shot him down and he landed here in Berk and tried to escape since." "Wait, he told you? But you didn't speak Dragonese yet!" Ash encountered. "He taught me a few days later after we ran away. Anyway, I gained his trust and I named him, "Darklite," and I promised him that I will make a tail for him so he can fly. I told him to stay hidden in the Cove until I come back for him. He understood and went to the Cove." Ash was thinking for a moment, then she snaps her fingers, "Oh! So that's why you looked concerned when you came back into the village, you were concerned about Darklite." I nodded, "Yeah. When you saw me left, I headed to the Forge and found Toothless's tail blueprint and built the tail." Mom raised her hands up, "Wait, you made his tail? Why you didn't anyone about this?" Dad reassures her,  "Astrid, he didn't know how to explain all of this during that time. Remember how that I didn't tell anyone about Toothless until you found out?" She blushes and said, "All right, you got me." I said, "Well, the next morning, I head to the Cove and I got Darklite some breakfast. When he wasn't looking...." I chuckled nervously, "I strapped his fake tail on." Dad said, grinning, "You didn't know that he was going to fly off, didn't you? Toothless did the exact same thing." I chuckled back, "Yeah, I guess so. After that happened, I knew in that moment,  I have to protect him from danger, and the only solution to that problem was to run away." Heather said, "So, basically you decided to run away with the last Night Fury in existence, and you didn't know  how much Hic and the others missed you?" I laughed. "Yeah. I made a saddle and a flight suit and grabbed my supplies I needed for the both of us and we left. It was difficult to find a new place to live. We found an isle that is two day's flight from here. I named it, "Haddock Paradise, " and we lived there in peace. One day, we were out flying, we encounter a ship heading our way. It was Viggo's ship." "So you did fight him before." Thor said, amazed. I nodded, "Yeah, it wasn't easy, he has been searching every isle to create his entire Dragon Army. He even destroyed a lot of isles and the villagers who lived there. I.... tried to save them, but it was too late." Dad pats me on the shoulder, "Son, it's not your fault. You tried to do the right thing." Ash asked, "How did you meet Heather?" "That was kinda different. She and Windshear was already his prisoners and she was very wounded when we found her. I helped her escape from Viggo's grasp and I told her that she can stay with me in Haddock Paradise as long as she wants and can defend it. She agrees and we been friends since." After I finished, I noticed that Ash was gone. I got up and went to find her.

Author's Note: What you think of Stoick's backstory? What you think Stoick is going to do when he finds Ash? Find out soon. 

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