I snuck out of my room late one night to meet Fred, my crush. Why hadn't he asked me out yet? I thought he liked me!
I ran into a brick wall and cursed myself. I tried to turn in the opposite direction but a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
The brick wall I had run into wasn't a brick wall.
It had been Fred.
"Fred!" I exclaimed." Finally I found you!"
He smiled a sweet cheeky smile." And I found you too, Bread." from behind his back he withdrew a bright red rose and a box of bread.
I took them from him and laughed. Fred was so adorable for bringing me that red rose and was so funny to bring a box of bread (hey, my retard of a mom named me Bread. She was probably drunk at the time and munching on toast).
Guess I had been wrong about Fred not liking me.
"Fred, why did you want to meet me here?" I asked. If he had asked me to meet me here and just gave me a rose and bread, there had to be something else behind it.
"Actually, I did want to ask you two things." He smiled and tucked my hair behind ear affectionately. "One, I think you already know that I want to go out with you (my heart fluttered happily when he said that!), and two: I want a refund for those chocolates I snuck into your dormitory but Ron stole and ate."
I giggled a bit strangely and put my hand on Fred's shoulder. "Sure, once you give me a refund for stealing my heart."
Fred laughed at my stupid catchline, and we just talked and stuff during the rest of the night. We had sprung a quick relationship that would hopefully blossom later on.
Ok readers! That is a sample one shot! I know its not amazing, but thats what I thought up in 7 minutes. Hopefully, you would still want a hp one shot though, so message me or comment below. Thanks!!