Perfect Family (Castiel AU)

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*Castiel is Human not an angel as Dean and Sam are NOT hunters. Always in My OC's POV*


[]Prompt: Castiel is married to Shana. They have a daughter around 16 years old that had black hair like Castiel and green eyes like their Uncles Sam and Dean. They're friends with each other since collage.[]


I was cooking Thanks Giving dinner as my husband, Castiel Novak was with our daughter 16 year old daughter, Helen. They're playing games in her room. I was setting up when Castiel and Helen came down.

"Mom!" she whailed as she ran to me crying. I stopped what I was doing and hugged her as she cried.

"What happened?" I asked Cas.

"We fell asleep after our game then she had a nightmare and yeah, I tried to calm her down but she ran to you." He explained as he petted our daughter's hair as she cried. I gently jumped her as she cried.

"Shh," I cooed gently. The doorbell rang revealing Sam and Kana with their 17 year old son Conner along with Gabriel and Liana with their also 17 year old son, Robin. Dean and Mila also came in with their 17 year old son, Jake. They have the same age and Helen is a year younger.

"Hey, guys." I greeted.

"Hi, Shana." The parents replied.

"Hel? What's wrong?" asked Conner very concerned in his voice.

"She had a nightmare. Conner, Jake and Robin can you guys calm her down. Cas talk to them gotta set up the table." I said. Cas nodded as he took Helen from me and led her down on the sofa. Conner and the rest went to Helen. They are so affectionate towards Helen. As I set the table, Conner, Jake and Robin started to sing to her some song. /(A/N: THE COPYTIGHTS AND ECT. OF THE SONG GOES TO THE BRITISH LADS)\. It calmed Helen down. To be honest, Helen can sing but shy to sing. She only sang to me and Castiel. Soon, Helen calmed down and I'm happy to see them that they know how to calm her down.

*After Dinner*

We're at the living room just talking as Cas randomly asked; "Conner, Jake, Robin. Are you three in a band?" Conner looked to his friends and nodded.

"Oh." Helen said. She wanted to be in a band.

"Helen, honey. I think its time for you to show them." I said with a sweet smile as Cas wrapped his arms around my waist and nodded. Dean, Mila, Sam, Kana, Gabriel and Liana looked confused as their children looked curious.

"I-I cant." Helen whispered. Cas laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You can. So, do it." Cas said. Helen looked up to her dad and nodded. She took a deep and started to sing the song that she made not too long ago,

"Maybe its the way he walks

Straight into my heart and stole it

Through the doors and passed the guards

Just like she already owned it

I say give it give it back to me

He said never in your wildest dreams

And we danced all night to the best song ever

We know every night

Now I cant remember

How it goes and I know that I cant forget him

Cause we danced all night to the best song ever" she sang as she has her eyes shut. Conner hugged Helen which kinda shocked us.

"Join our band! We need a song writer and a lead singer, Hel." Robin said. Helen agreed. We all smiled.

*Everyone Left As Helen Went To Sleep*

Cas and I were cuddled up on our bed. I laid my head on his chest as he has his arms around my shoulders sighing contently. I look up to his blue eyes and I leaned up and kissed him. Deep and passionate. I moaned in the kiss as he slipped his tounge in my mouth. I pulled away panting.

"I love you, Shana." He said huskily and out of breath.

"I love you too, Cas." I said out of breath as well and he grinned and smiled at me as we cuddled up again and went to sleep. With my head pillowing his chest as my arm around his waist as he his arm was around my shoulders and the other was around my waist. We asleep in each other's arms.


Awww!!!! SO CUTE!!!!

Sorry I cant help not to add One Direction here. So hawt! Cas is so hot!!!!!!!!!


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