I never told you. ( zac mann love story )

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It's 5:36 in the morning as you are laying there in your bed texting one of

your best guy friend while wearing blue flower lose shorts & a black tank top.

As you and keishawn talk about relationships & will things go right with love. You hope that some day a guy will come around and love you for you and not for your looks or anything.

You wake up by your mom coming in the room.

Mom : jailyn Get up you've been asleep all day tomorrow is your first day bakk at school we need to go take you shopping.!!

You just laid there wishing you could stay there. As you got up you opened your window to let the light in more. Your room was blue & white. You have a " studio " of your own.

You yell Down the stairs to your mom so she knows your woke & getting ready. You put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans on with a blue & black Nike shirt that said work hard play hard you went an looked at your shoes and grabbed your Griffeys that were blue black & white. You then went in the bathroom and washed your face & brushed your teeth. You straightened your brown layered hair and took one last look at yourself and started walking down the stairs but before going down your grabbed your phone.

When you got down stairs your mom was waiting for you in the kitchen you grab the keys and tell your mom to come one. You drove the way there to the mall. You only lived 10 minutes away from the mall.

When you guys got there you walked in the doors and there was a huge crow of girls screaming and yelling you moved your way thur the crow not caring what was going on. One girl stepped on your shoes and you said

Jailyn : please watch were you are going, you just stepped on my shoes.

Random girl : ohhh sorry I didn't mean to I'm just trying to get a better view of the boy band project.

You just looked at her and walked away your mom had left you and went shopping herself.

As you were walking away you felt someone staring at you so you look around to see if you will see anyone looking at you as you turn your head you see this guy with a red shirt on that said popular with black jeans and black white & red Griffeys on. His hair was brown he had a clean face brown tan skin tone but not that tan, eyes that anyone would die for. I just looked at him and he gave me a warm smile I gave one bakk. You then started walking again you walked into footlocker you knew everyone in almost every store. Everyone greeted you as you were looking around at what was new. You didn't like what you saw so you went and started talking to the workers.

Jailyn : ayye, what's all this out here.?

Worker : ohhh that's just some band that came they have been here all day

Jailyn : I've never heard of them & we all know I know about everyone

Worker : haha yeahhh but they are a new band starting up I guess.

Jailyn : ohhh alright. Well I'm about to go out here and find my mom, y'all have a good day.

As you leave the store you look over at all those people and you roll your eyes and shake your head at them all.

You walked down to debs where your mom was always at when you started looking at clothes. You spent a hour in there shopping for things.

Your mom bought everything you wanted from the mall. You were spoiled rotten.

As your mom went and put all your stuff in the car you walked to the food court & there you seem him again you walked right pass him with out trying to draw attention to you. You walked over to Charlie's and ordered cheese fries and a drink as you waited for your food you say down at a table and played on your phone. You took a picture and posted it on Instagram, you were like Instagram famous in a way. As the worker at Charlie's walked you over your food you said thank you & they walked off and you began to eat as you were eating you seen him walk past you, you tried to kinda hind your face from him he had a group of girls following behind him like follow the leader. You couldn't help but to laugh you were laughing so hard you almost started crying. All of them stopped and looked at you. You just giggled even more. One girl said

Random girl : are you laughing at us.?

Jailyn : ( clears throat ) Uhhh yeahh I am laughing at you guys.

Random girl : and that is why.?

Jailyn : what's the point of following them around the mall.?

Random girl : what.?

Jailyn : let them breath. I'm just saying they've been here all day and you've all been they're second shadow all day I think one shadow is enough.

Random girl : who do you think you are talking to me like that.!?

Jailyn : welp I'm jailyn that's who I know I am & you asked so I told you what I was laughing at next time don't ask.

You say there and looked at her as she gave you this stare. She then turned around and they all walked off. Going to try and find him again.

As you started eating again and playing on your phone you then seen this person sit down across from you, you haven't even looked up yet and you knew it was him just by that shirt.

You say there and looked at him and he said

That guy : thanks for making those girls kinda go away.

Jailyn : your welcome.

That guy : ummm can I know your name.?

Right then your phone started ringing and it was your mom calling you to tell you to come on.

Jailyn : sorry I have to go my mom is rushing me. Maybe next time.

As you get up and throw your stuff away and walk to the door to leave out of. You see your mom standing there waiting for you. You giggle at her and you get to the car and drive home.

When you got home & done bringing everything you bought upstairs you laid down on your bed. Your phone then started to ring. You grabbed your phone to see the name Seantay calling you. Seantay is your cousin that lives in Cali. You picked up the phone.

Seantay : ayye what you doin.?

Jailyn : just got home from the mall

Seantay : really.?

Jailyn : yes really, why wassup

Seantay : did you see that new band.?

Jailyn : ohhh yeah. Every girl chasing them

Seantay : dangggg. Did you meet them.?

Jailyn : no you know I don't get involved with that.

Seantay : yeah I know I was just asking, but I gotta call you later mom trippin

Jailyn : alright Byeee.

You hong up the phone and checked Instagram to see that you had been getting tagged in a photo by multiple people. As you click and see who it was and what it was. It was a picture of that guy at the mall and I was In the background on my phone. The comment said " hey followers had a great day at the mall today. But I need hell finding out who this girl is in the bakk ground. If you know who she is comment her name or tag her of you know her Instagram name. Try and get her to comment on this picture "

I giggled at the fact he was trying to know me. Yeah he was cute but a band player Uhhh idk about tht.

I commented on the photo " I photo bombed your picture. Sorry. " he comment bakk fast. " no worries " I laughed and didn't reply. You then took your shoes off put them up got in the shower and then laid down. You had a long day In front of you. First day of school yayy... Uhhh no.

I never told you. ( zac mann love story )Where stories live. Discover now