Chapter Three

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The day had dragged interminably. The minutes had frozen into hours.

She'd come back to Central Park on a whim, wishing only to escape the suffocating walls of the hotel room, wanting only to partake in something other than her own life. It was enough to sit there; concealed as she was beneath a wig and large sunglasses, and watch other lives go by in streams of fragmented conversations. It was enough just to simply blend in.

"Hey, aren't you that chick from TV?"

Lauren looked over to find Adrian walking toward her. "How did you find me?"

"Ally inserted that nifty tracking device into your skull, didn't you know? How else could she keep up with you?" Adrian looked around. "Nice day."

"Yeah," and Lauren nodded. "How'd you really find me?"

"First of all, it's rather presumptuous of you to assume I was looking for you. I happened to be jogging, minding my own business, when the sight of a young woman in a hideous wig startled me. Upon closer investigation I discovered that the woman was none other than my best friend." He sat down beside her and smiled. "So there."

"So you're saying that you just happened to be here?"


"And that you weren't tipped at all by say... the hotel manager I spoke to on my way out?"


"You're sure?"

"Couldn't be surer."


"Okay." Adrian said shrugging. "I may have heard something about you going to Central Park. I just thought it was an excellent idea."

"Mmm, it was." Adrian merely nodded, and Lauren turned her attention away. They fell into amiable silence. "I was thinking," Lauren said, her voice soft against the stillness between them, "that I might want to move here. Maybe after the show's over."

When Adrian didn't say anything, Lauren turned to look at him, only to find that his attention was fixed on a blonde woman several feet away.

"Or maybe just have threesome with some elephants from outer space." Lauren added casually.

"What?" Adrian turned to her in a second. "What threesome?" He gave her a lopsided grin. "Sorry. I was just... um..."

"Checking out the local white meat?" Lauren guessed.

"It's what's for dinner."

Behind her sunglasses, Lauren rolled her eyes. "Gross."

"There's nothing gross about the union of a man and a woman." Adrian replied. "Or even a man and two women. Or three..."

Lauren laughed. "You can barely handle yourself, what are you going do with three women?"

"Hey!" Adrian frowned. "I'll have you know I can handle myself just fine. Why—"

"T.M.I!" Lauren interrupted quickly. "Really."

"You started it."

"So what do you think?"


"About what I said earlier?"

Adrian ran his hand up and down the peach fuzz hair at the back of his head and looked thoughtful. "I think if you're going to have a threesome, then you could do better than elephants. I mean, you're not a bad looking girl, and elephants, well, they smell..."

Lauren wanted to strangle him sometimes. "About me moving to New York after the show."

"And leave L.A.?" He frowned. "But I thought you loved it there?"

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