Chapter Twenty- Five

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Lauren stifled a yawn and stole a glance at the time on her cell phone. The day had been a long one, starting with a 5:00 a.m. wake-up call that Ally had set up and Lauren had forgotten about until the voice on the other side of the phone had welcomed her cheerfully into consciousness. Many hours later, Lauren sat inside a room inside a building somewhere in New York City, watching fellow actors – some of whom she recognized, some of whom she didn't - audition for a part in Normani Kordei's next film.

An actress Lauren recognized but couldn't place walked into the room, looking politely hopeful. The people in the room welcomed her kindly, if a bit tiredly, and asked her to begin whenever ready.

In the center of the room, a camera rolled, and Lauren watched the girl's monologue with growing interest. Victoria Kelley, Lauren remembered the girl's name suddenly. She was auditioning for the role of Lauren's younger sister, and Lauren thought, watching as the girl read off the lines on the paper, that Victoria Kelley would be perfect for the part.

Normani was the first to thank her when the girl was done, and Lauren could sense the smile on the director's face the second Victoria Kelley had left the room. "That's our Sara."

Lauren silently agreed. It had been a long day, but it was looking up.

"What did you think, Lauren?"

Lauren looked at the director. "She's perfect."

Normani looked pleased. "We'll have her come back and read with Lauren tomorrow, then. Just to be sure." She stretched. "The good news is we're done for the day."

"Thank God," the guy working the camera said with a laugh, and everyone let out a collective chuckle of agreement.

Lauren turned the sound back on her phone, only to have it chime in her hand the moment she did so. The name "Camila" stared up at Lauren from the digital display screen and she blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She felt her heart speed up as she answered. "Impressive timing," she said by way of greeting, and she felt everyone's eyes on her suddenly. Normani's looked particularly curious. Lauren averted her gaze, feeling embarrassed. Her tone of voice, Lauren realized, changed considerably when talking to Camila.

"Is that right?" came Camila' voice. "Why's that?"

"I was just finishing up something," Lauren said, knowing, as she said it, that it would lead to questions. She quickly added, "Actually, could I call you back in five minutes?"

"Ah, so my timing was actually off by five minutes." Camila sounded amused. "I'll have to work on that. Talk to you in five then."

It turned out to be closer to twenty minutes. Getting to a place of privacy took longer than Lauren had anticipated, especially after Ella Peters suckered Lauren into a conversation about designer shoes that Lauren thought would never end. But it had ended, eventually, somehow, and Lauren had escaped.

She began dialing as her limo driver opened the door for her. She'd given Ally the day off to spend with Adrian, and Lauren was suddenly grateful for the solitude.

"Satan's house of kinky sex worship," came a voice that wasn't Camila's. "How may I spank you?"

"What are the options again?" Lauren asked, playing along.

Dinah didn't miss a beat. "You'll have to speak to our resident sexpert, Mistress Spankalot. Oh and here she comes now—"

"I told you not to answer my phone," said Camila, in a voice that sounded far away. And then, closer, "Hello?"

Lauren smiled into the phone. It had been less than 24 hours since they'd spoken face to face, but it felt like longer. The previous evening felt like a dream. "Satan's house of kinky sex worship?"

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