Frosty love

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My name is Ray. I turned seventeen a couple days ago. I have no mother or father. In fact I live in a city, in a science lab. It'a quite dull here, a bare gray room, the only light spilling through the window I have. I have a bed but it is hard so I prefer to sleep on the window seat.

I stared at the busy street buzzing with busy people in the streets, hover cars racing through the streets. I turn my attention back to the book I am reading. The city of lost souls, by Cassandra Clare.

"Miss Ray, time for food." A short, rather chubby woman stated, handing me a lunch tray with food on it.

"Thank you." I waved her away.

I stared at the hot soup. I detest hot food. I don't know why I just have always hated drinking or eating any thing hot.

"Miss Ray, you can't ignore me." The short woman pressed.

She knows I hate her. She tells me that she is my mother, but I know the truth. I know her name, but I hate her so I don't say it.

I still ignored her while I continued my book. I twirled my frosty looking hair as my green eyes danced along the pages savouring the words.

"At least eat your food." She gave an annoyed sigh.

"You know I hate hot food." I said not looking up from my book. I heard footsteps leaving me and the door opening and closing.

I wish my life were like those in the books I read. Free and able to make my own decisions. Able to fall in love.

"My life is a living hell!" I shouted hoping 'they' could hear me.

I walked to the window and pressed my cheek against the cold glass.

The sun had started to sink behind the horizon. The bright lights had started to light up in the tiny streets below. I sank down on the window seat.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Mother why?" I asked myself as if I was actually talking to my mother.

'They' told me she gave me away to them because I was really sick but she never came back. But who knows 'they' can't be trusted.

My eyelids became heavy and my eyes closed, my breath slowing as I drifted off to sleep.

My sleep crawled with pictures from books or text.

The next three days was slow and boring. But the forth I was taken for a test.

I sat on the metal bench, as 'they' injected something into my right arm.

My vision started to go blurry. I heard screams before I blacked out.

It felt like hours but I awoke because the heat I felt was unbearable.

Flames raged every where around me.

The doctor was unconscious on the floor. The heat from the flames made me feel like I was sweating. I need to get out of here. I glanced around for an exit.

I saw a exit and dashed for it. The smoke was starting to get a bit overpowering. My head was pounding, my lungs were burning.

Then I remembered. I don't know the way out of here.

My stomach flopped and that was it, I doubled over and vomited. My nostrils burned. I collapsed. Maybe if I die now I will escape all my suffering.

The smoke smell made my head cloudy. A shadow loomed over me as my eyes took a last glance around.

My eyes fluttered open to a bland room. A big window was hidden behind big thick blue curtains. I tried to sit up but realised two strong muscular arms were wrapped around my waist.

I twisted around to see the most gorgeous face I have ever seen!

It was a guy with pale white skin and jet black hair. His face looked like it was chiseled out of beautiful marble stone. He had a snake bite piercing on his bottom lip.

I should probably be freaking out right now, being in some guys arms, in his bedroom, but I was fully dressed and felt safe. I traced the details on his face with my finger.

He grunted as I softly tugged on his lip piercing. I giggled and leaned into his lean chest.

"Good morning." A cocky voice sounded. I twisted around to see the stranger again.

"H-hello" I whispered. Two seconds ago I was poking his face all confident, and now I am all shy.

"What is your name?" He asked running his hand through my white hair.

"R-ray." I uttered.

"Don't be scared my little winter sprite." He caressed me.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"Hayden." He said nuzzling the crook of my neck.

I wasn't use to this much contact.

"Hayden, what is a winter sprite? And why am I in your room?" I asked curious.

"You don't know your own kind?" He sounded surprised.

"Well um, a winter sprite is a sprite that can control winter." He continued "And I saved you from the fire, you're my mate." He added

"Mate?" All I could think of was wolf.

"Yes I am a werewolf, you're a winter sprite, we were destined to be together." He said.

I was right! "Y-you are a w-erewolf!" I half yelled.

"And you're a winter sprite." He said matter-o-factly.

Holysh*t, holysh*t!

I have read plenty of werewolf stories to know what a mate is and what mates do. A winter sprite is totally new to me.

"You're a werewolf?!" I repeated.

Hayden looked at me concerned.

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