Powerful Enemies- Chapter 4

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"Paz, I think there's someone at the door."
"Hey, I got it last time!"
"But Pacificaaaaaa..."
"Fine.." Pacifica got up and shuffled down the stairs, muttering. Hehe. Works every time. I stuffed more candy into my mouth and snuggled up in my blue shooting star sweater. Lazy Tuesday, you do not disappoint! "Gideon, we've got trouble!" Pacifica yelled from downstairs, and she didn't sound happy at all..
"Will!? Are you okay?" Never mind 2020, you were going to kick Dipper into 30-freaking-30. Nobody messes with your friends. "He's out cold.." You muttered to yourself. There wasn't much you could do. (Hey, it's a cell. There's hardly soup and pillows.) Sitting back down on the cold floor, you picked at the sleeve of the now torn sweater. Gideon had given you it a while ago.. You loved it, and now it was ruined. One more reason to KILL that Gleeful kid. Just then, there was a bang as the door flew open to a furious Dipper. "RIGHT, THAT'S IT. THIS DEMON IS USELESS! HE'S FAILED ME FOR THE LAST TIME." He started to march across the room. Oh no, Will's screwed unless you do something.. Plan, plan, plan.. Aha! You stepped in front of Dipper. "Now you listen to me, girl, if you don't move I'm gonna-"
"NO. YOU listen to ME, Gleeful! You have no right to do this to people!" You yelled in his face. Screw politeness, politeness isn't part of the plan. "Give me one reason not to get rid of you both right now." Dipper hissed. Your mind went blank. "I'm waiting, (Y/N)..." That's when fight or flight kicked in. Fortunately for you, it was fight.
"Uhhm.. Uhh.. TAKE THIS, SUCKA!" You punched him in the nose, picked up Will and dragged him as quickly as you could out of the room. With a sense of urgency you pulled your friend through the building at the back of the tent, past Mabel's dressing room (Off-key singing drifted from the door) and a room marked 'Stan' (Through a gap in the door you could see huge piles of cash) until you got to the exit door, stumbling through only to crash into somebody...
(I just watched the last episode and cried three times, literally... Sorry for the short chapter)

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