People To Count On- Chapter 5

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A (h/c) haired girl with dusty, torn clothes and blood on her fist was yelling at the top of her voice and attacking everything, having fallen on Gideon from the doorway. "Leave us alone, Gleeful!" Wait a minute... That sounded like.. "(Y/N)!! You're okay!" (Y/N) turned around. "P..Pacifica? Gideon? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You have no idea how crazy it just got in there. Haha.. Seriously though, we need to go before they kill us. I'll explain later, but right now I really need help with my friend. I have no idea what Mabel did but he's out cold.."
"(Y/N), who's this? What's happening?" I helped her support the unconscious guy.
"No time, Pacifica! We're dead if Dipper catches us, all of us!" The four of us started to run down the street (Well, Will wasn't running, but that's besides the point.) We got some odd looks from passersby, but hey- in this place it's not the strangest thing that's ever run through the town square.
"My house or the shack?"
"Shack, it's closer!" We ran into the forest, slowing down as we realised no Gleefuls were following us. Finally, we reached the Mystery Hack- uhh- Shack. Bud jumped up (With difficulty) from behind the counter as we entered. "Hold on now, kids, what's all this ruckus? You're all looking like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards- now let me get you some ice." You and Pacifica put Will on the couch and the three of you who were conscious fell on the floor. Gideon let out a theatrical groan. "That's more exercise than I've done in weeks! Not too good for my little ol' back.." Bud came back with some ice packs and band aids and you sat up as you held an ice pack to your head. "I owe you two a pretty darn good explanation, don't I? Well, after I went to find Gideon.." You told them the whole story. "So why did you guys come back? Did Ford bring you the message?" Pacifica picked up the story. "Well, the old Gleeful guy came to the door and told us you were in trouble but you had a plan. Knowing you, we thought that plan would involve punching people in the face and screaming at them, so we decided to come help. And then you fell on Gideon and you know the rest!" Gideon shivered and pulled his hat further down on his head. "Well I'm just glad we're all safe."
"Uh oh.. (Y/N)? Will's waking up!"

(Making up for not updating for ages by posting a ton of new chapters! Sorry if they suck!)

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