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Hey guys sorry for the wait writing is hard as fuuuuuuck but im back

Jasper pov

Uhhh my head hurts.

Why is it so dark....

Oh my god where am I?

I try looking around but all I can figure out is that I'm in a big bed with my hands tied

Shit I knew I should have kept that knife up my ass




What is that?


"Yeah boss this way he's in here." Someone said

Are they talking about me?

Apparently there was a door across from me -_-. So the door slams opens and lets in so much light I squeeze my eyes close and try and squint at the light and let my eyes adjust

"Fuck you could have warned me" I yelled "putting someone in a dark ass room and then bursting it with light not cool"

My eyes adjust and I see a really handsome man in a suit he's about 6 something and very tone and next to him is a buff 5" 7'? Man next to him.

The nice looking man smiles amused and it pisses me off more.

"What's so funny you ass hat? Where am I? Why did you take me you son of a bitch, I want to go home now!" I yell angrily

His face go's from smiles to straight in seconds and then he's in my face pining me to the bed. Is he a vampire? Fangs pop out, yep I was right. Shit.

"No one disrespects me like that you hear me? I own you now you are MY pet understand? you listen to me and me only. If you ever disrespect me ever again it will be high coincidences, and you won't like them." He says pissed.

And like the little bitch that I'm not I head butt him. His eyes turn red like blood and in seconds were in a another room with whips and chains and paddles and sex toys.

"I told you pet NOT to disrepect me. YOU will learn to obey even if it's the hard way".

I was then chained up and hanging with my feet barely touching the ground.

" let's have some fun" he said and then he was on my neck with his fangs in me.

Fuck my life.

He's my what!?! Mates thats funny. (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now