uh social studies

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alex pov

I can't beleve i lost to Jasper in douge ball. I me like come on this is JASPER were talking about. he's small but fast and... strong? Whatever..... shit here he comes.

"good game alex" he says smirking at me.


"Yeah thanks man u too.You know i could have wooped your ass right, I was just going easy on you."I say smugly

"Right....."Jasper says trailing off.

"Oh so you dont think i can. Do you?"I ask

"I didn't say that did. Now did I?" he says raising a eyebrow and wiggling it

"But i know you thought it, now didn't you?"I ask

"I don't think I know."he says in a Duh tone

"Oh really?"I ask

"Really."he says smiling

"how about you put your money were your mouth is."I say

"Ok when and were?"he asked

"My house, after school.be there"i said

"ok. Shake on it?"he asked sticking his hand out

I connect my hand with his and I felt something in me shift

what the hell?

"All right we got a deal. Now lets get to class." Jasper said just as the bell rang to tell up this period is out and on to the next

we ran to our lockers and grabed out soical studes books

when we got to soical studies the bell rang when we walked to our seats and the teacher Mr. stevenson walked in.

"Hello class today we are having a practice test on Hitler to see what u know and what u need to know."he said

Everone in class groaned including me but not jasper

Mr.stevenson passed out the papers and told us to begin

(Im going to put the questions down and there pretty simple so try to answer them please.)

1.)What did Hitler think the perfect people looked like?

2.)Were where the Jewish people took.

3.)what did Hitler look like(hair color, eye color, skin color)

4.)what did the jews were at the concentration camp?

5.)Who killed Hitler?

(Alexes pov still)

damn this test its so hard and jasper gets up and hands in his test. the first one done is the new guy?

he gets his test back and smiles and sits down.

"Alright class times up turn in your papers." the teacher says

I look at jaspers paper and he has a 100 % on his test








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