Chapter 5

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Lilly looked at me, she had regret written all over her face. I sighed and waved for her to leave. I'll explain everything to her and Amanda later. For now, I had a stranger to deal with.

I looked at him with my fiercest glare. I wanted him to know I wanted nothing to do with him and that he had made a huge mistake.

I watched as he visibly flinched and felt happy that I could intimidate him. That might work to my advantage. If I could distract him with his fear, he might let me go.

"What do you want?" I questioned with my glare still intact.

"I... we are... oh forget it!! John you do it!" He ducked behind a shorter man with graying hair.

The stranger with gray hair, glanced at me and stated bluntly "We are shapeshifters but we prefer mimics. You are one of us and now you have to come with us so we can teach you to control your powers."

"Mhm. That's highly likely." I spat at him through my teeth.

John just looked at me out of the corner of his eye and replied, " It's is and you will just have to learn to accept it."

I searched his face for a sign he was bluffing and this was some crude joke. No such luck. I never was very lucky.

John and the first stranger started talking and I took the opportunity to slip out of the room. I quietly slipped down the hall towards my fourth period class, hoping they wouldn't notice until I was long gone.

I turned a corner and had only just let out a breath, when I heard a shout from behind me. I mentally groaned and ducked into the girls bathroom that was nearby.

I could hear many footsteps as the strangers sprinted past the door. These people were very loud, I couldn't help but giggle at that thought. How have they ever gotten anything done with those elephant steps.

A few minutes later, I decided the coast was clear and ducked back out into the hall. I walked as fast as I could to fourth period but slowed down as I got closer so I wouldn't bring any extra attention to myself. Everyone would already want to know what happened.

I turned the door knob and opened the door, Mrs. Johnson was sitting at her desk grading papers while the class talked loudly. It got significantly quieter when I walked in, but I walked down the rows to my seat without any questions.

Lilly and Amanda were looking at me from their seats and immediately stood and walked over to some empty chairs closer to me.

"Alright, time to spill the beans." Amanda stated as she stared at me.

"Yeah, what did they want?" Lilly questioned, leaning forward.

"They're all nutjobs!" I whispered to them. There was no need for anyone else to hear and make a scene over it.

"What do you mean?" Amanda's eyes widened and Lilly gave me a questioning look.

"They told me they are shapeshifters and I am too, and that I have to go with them to train."



Lilly and Amanda looked as confused as ever and I wasn't sure how else to explain it.

"Then I snuck out and came back here."

"You did what?!" Amanda exclaimed loudly. I shushed her and glanced around the room to see if anyone had noticed her outburst. I was lucky for once, and no one had.

"You heard me."

The door slammed open and I jumped, hitting my knee off the desk. I groaned as I rubbed it and looked up.

John was holding the door open and scanning the classroom. Just before his gaze reached me, Mrs. Johnson stepped up and questioned him about who he was and why he was in her room.

John seemed extremely impatient and pushed past her. His face lit up with recognition when he saw me and I knew I was out of options.

He grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the door.

"You gave us quite the slip back there. At least now you really don't have a choice."

As he dragged me back into the hallway, I tripped over my own feet and almost fell, but his grip on my arm kept me from landing face first on the ground.

He dragged me around corners to the office where I'm sure the strangers had agreed to meet when they found me.

As we rounded another corner, I noticed a few of the strangers standing in a circle with their heads bowed. Discussing something seemingly important.

One looked up and noticed us, "Hey! Look what the cat dragged in!"

I glared at him and walked faster so they wouldn't see me being dragged by John. They would think less of me and it would be harder for me to escape.

"If you would just listen to what we had to say, you might change your mind about trying to escape us."

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