Chapter 4

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If this continues like my book did, 14 girls will be pulled aside, including the main character. Whoever that was. Though I had based her off of myself, I desperately hoped it wasn't me.

What if it was one of my friends?! I know it won't be my brother, he is a boy. Lilly, Amanda, and I are girls though. I wish I had written more so I would know what would happen afterwards.

"Flor? Flor!"


Amanda looked at me worriedly.

"You zoned out and we are almost to the first person."

Lilly looked as though she thought I was going crazy for relaxing enough to daydream. Then, she started looking over my shoulder with wide eyes. I turned my head and saw Jake and Zach pushing people out of their way, and heading towards me. Jake kept sweeping his arms and one hit me in the throat and I fell backwards into the wall.

"Ugh! Look It's Frizzy Head!"

Jake and Zach chortled at their stupid joke. I sighed and stood back up.

"Don't worry about what they say Florea! Personally, I think your hair is really pretty. And, in the sun it has lots of different colors like gold and caramel," complimented Amelia, she was an outspoken and kind girl. She was the person who was so nice, they annoyed you.

"Thanks Amelia, but..."

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Is the squirrel okay?!" Aron shouted as he ran up to us. He was different and we all knew it but he had yet to confirm our guesses. He also liked to call me squirrel because my hair is so fluffy and frizzy, it resembles a squirrel tail.

"I'm fine Aron," I sighed and looked up to find about half of the strangers looking at us, "but I think we better get moving so we don't attract anymore attention."

Amanda looked up and nodded vigorously, pushing the rest of us forward again.

As more people pushed in around us, my view of the strangers decreased and decreased.

I sighed inwardly and looked ahead. We were almost into the cafeteria and away from the strangers.

I begin to relax thinking we will all make it through, when I hear someone shouting.

"You two by the wall!"

Lilly, Amanda, and I looked up.

"Brown hair and black hair come over here."

Lilly looks at me with a horrified look on her face and we make our way through the mass of students.

I ball my hands into fists so no one will notice that they are shaking. I look back and see Amanda looking at me with worried eyes. I wip my head back around so that I don't run back to her and hide behind her back.

"You two are going to have to come with me." The stranger spoke slowly, as if English was a second language to him.

He led us the principal's office where there were five girls already waiting. They all turned and looked at us as we entered. I recognized most of them.

"Wait here until we have finished evaluating everyone else." The stranger snarled, spun on his heels and left.

Lilly sat cross legged on the ground and I plopped down next to her.

"Where do you think they came from? The strangers, I mean." Lilly wondered out loud.

"Who knows. But they talk really weirdly." I glanced back out the door where the strangers were herding more students toward us.

"Oh! You noticed that too?" Lilly looked at me with wide eyes.

"Alright, since this is everyone I'm sure you are wondering what is really going on." The stranger who spoke on stage had walked in with 9 more girls. They were all freshman.

"I can only explain everything to the person we came searching for but we are looking for her because she was sent away many years ago for her safety. Now that it is safe, we have been searching for her. Now, we will be asking each of you questions about your childhood separately." He spoke slowly and scanned each of our faces. "We will be starting with Miss. Croom." He said looking at all of us again.

"Actually, it's Crum." Said a junior as she raised her hand.

"Sorry, come with me." He led her into another office and the rest of us strained our ears to try to hear what they were saying.

As time passed, Lilly and I gave up on listening when new girls went in and started a game of rock, paper, scissors.

Just as my paper beat Lilly's rock, the strangers came back and called for her. She looked at me sighed, stood, and walked into the other room.

After that, time slowed until I was finally called.

"Do you remember much of your childhood?" The stranger got right to the point.

"No." I spoke slowly, surprised.

"Do your family tell you many stories about your childhood?"

"A few."

"Alright, that's all I need you can go." He said waving his hand at me. He seemed very tired.

I stood and walked back to Amanda. She looked at me and I shrugged at her.

She sighed and relaxed into the wall again.

"Thank you all for cooperating. All except Miss. Adenine may leave." Said the same stranger as before.

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