Chapter 6

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I scoffed and looked around in an attempt to figure out who had spoken. It was a boy about my age, from the sneer on his face I knew we wouldn't get along. He reminded me too much of Jake and Zach.

"As if," I growled through my teeth, practically spitting at him. My glare pierced his eyes, but he didn't flinch.

"We can explain more later. Just get her out of here before the stupid teachers start to realize something is up." He spoke with authority and I couldn't help but wonder how he was in charge when he was as young as I was. Probably some politician's bratt who got whatever he wanted. Nothing I couldn't deal with.

As he reached to grab my arm and drag me out of the school, I jumped back and shouted hoping someone with half a brain would hear and help me, "Don't touch me!"

I was three seconds away from screaming "Stranger danger," at the top of my lungs, when John threw me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

I tried to wiggle my way out of his vise like grip, but I didn't get anywhere. Then, I threw my elbow into the back of his head and he didn't even flinch.

The bratt led the way out the front doors and away from the school.

The fact that this was really happening to me finally sunk in when I heard a van door slide open. I blinked and started to thrash around even more than I had before.

John just tossed me into the back of the van and slammed the door, taking all of the light with him.

As the van jolted along the bumpy road my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I noticed a few crates stacked against the back door. I crawled over to them and peered inside.

Inside was lots of food. Enough to feed a small army.

Then, the van came to a sudden stop and I was thrown against the wall separating the driver and I.

I sat back up, rubbing my shoulder, and strained my ears for any sign of what had happened. The motor was still running and I could hear another car flying by. We must just be at a stop sign I think to myself.

The van turns down a new road and I settle back onto the floor.


The van finally rattled to a stop and the engine was turned off. I tried to ignore it and pretend this wasn't happening to me but the door was thrown open and the sun surprised me.

I raised my head and blinked until my eyes adjusted to the light. John was standing in the doorway holding his hand out to me. I pushed his hand away and climbed past him out the door.

"Sorry about the bumpy ride," He sounded a little sympathetic but I ignored it.

"Yeah right," I scoffed.

John held my elbow lightly and guided me towards a big red barn.

The cows lowed as we walked past and the horses lifted their heads and looked at us before going back to eating grass.

The bratt and a few other strangers walked ahead of us. The bratt flicked open a latch and pushed the big sliding door open. Inside, half of the stalls were set up for horses and the other half had beds and boxes. There were people everywhere and a few odd animals weaving between them. The people's clothes were a mixture of worn and new. The animals ranged from a mouse to a lion.

As John and I walked in, everyone turned to look at us.

The stares made me uncomfortable and I started to fidget. Apparently, John didn't like me moving around that much because he glared at me.

The bratt dragged me away from John and pulled me closer to the group of people.

"Everyone, this is our newest recruit, Um uh. What's your name?" The bratt glanced over at me, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Flor," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Right, everyone meet Flor!"

Some people said "Hi" or "Hello" but most just went back to what they were doing before.

Finally being out of the spotlight, I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You know, you haven't introduced yourself yet," John attempted to whisper to the bratt.

I rolled my eyes, great, I get to talk to bratt more. Yay.

"Oh! You're right!" The bratt turned to me and I looked blankly back at him, unable to forget that these people practically kidnapped me.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ames."

"Okay," I said this as flatly as possible and just stared at Ames. Really, what kind of name is that. He sounds like some sort of fancy suburb community.

Finally, John stepped between us and cleared his throat.

"Flor, would you like me to show you around and introduce you to some people?" John sounded very tired and I felt sorry for acting rudely.

"Sure. Just not too many people, please," I smiled at him bashfully.

John doesn't seem too bad, maybe he will help me get home. That stupid Ames kid is already under my skin, though.

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