My First Breath

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~Lizzy's POV~

Wait but how, where, why?  Why don't I remember who I am?  Why can't I seem to know anyone?  I think it's because I'm in the hospital.  But wait no, this isn't a hospital.... it's an adoption center.  I can tell because there is a big sign in front of me.  All I know is some people are talking and continuously looking at me.  One of them came up to me.  I looked beside me and saw one of my friends, Skylar. 

My name is Elizebeth.  Lizzy for short.  The blonde came up to her and she acted like he was Justin Bieber (that would be a 'huh' reaction).

So I ,not that I needed to, looked at the one in front lof me and calmly said,"Hey."

He told me his name, Mitch.

"Huh, you mean like the guy that sounds like a wimp?"

He screams back at me," IM NOT A WIMP!!!" 

"Oh then you are from PTX?"

I don't know how I know all of this. But I feel like I already know this guy. Then another guy stands in front of my reading on my bed. He looked at me and stared. I look up.

"Um can I help you?" I say.

He blushes and looks away. Then he looks back at me with his beautiful emerald green eyes.  I look back with my emerald-turquoise eyes.  He looked to Mitch and gave him a needy look.  He brought both me and three other girls.

"I'm Avi," the man continues," I'm in Pentatonix, an a Capella group."

I reply," Oh, so you guys are like famous?"

"No, duh."said a girl in the car.

She was obviously a sass queen.


Hai!!! It's me Lizzy and I just remembered that I have a story in one of Mark Twain's little bunch of horror stories named _A Collection Of Horrifying Tales and mine is the sixth! And plz be sure to follow Mark Twain cuz they my sister.

Also follow my bffs

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