Restroom Break??

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~Emily's POV ~

So now me and three people got adopted by Pentatonix and I honestly don't know if we(I) can make it without being a Pentatonix member. 
~Jesse's POV~

Now I'm totally fangirling over this whole meeting MITCH FRICKING GRASSI!!! Ok I need to cool down.  But I have liked him since I was 18.  All of us are currently in the same age-group as Pentatonix.  Now we are in a car just driving to an unknown destination.  Now that I realize it, Pentatonix didn't take us on as children, but as just friends.
~Lizzy's POV~

Now we are at a huge household where all of the members go inside.  I feel like an ant inside of this huge house. " Uh guys?" Asks Lilyn.
"Yeah?" asks Emily giving Lilyn a troubled look.

"I think this means trouble," she said with a very serious look. I look to see the blonde staring into Mitch's eyes. Mitch looks at me with a cute but needy look. I ask of curiosity," Um Mr. Kevin?"
" Just call me Kevin," he softly replied with a bit of enthusiasm.
" Where are the restrooms?" Everyone stares at me like I'm crazy, so I replied," Hey at least someone thought of taking a shower!"
**************************HAIIII!!!! Welcome to my newer PTX fanfic and make sure to follow the people involved:
KevinOlusola ps: Kevin isn't really involved but follow him! He is an AMAZING writer!
Now GUUD-BAI!!!!

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