The Kiss That Started It All

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         ~Mitch's POV~
     So I know this may sound crazy, but I think that Jess is super cute! I just can't get her out of my mind....
She is just .... Sorta... Stuck in my mind.  Plus I think Avi is so crushing on Lizzy... But I also think Scott likes Lilyn... Which kinda hurts... Seeing I've had a crush on him ... Hm... I dunno...SINCE FOREVER!!!  But I wonder if he feels the same way....
         ~Scott's POV~
     OMFG(Oh my freaking god.... GET IT OUTTA UR HEADS!!!) Mitch is soooo cute.... I've had the crush-iest of crushes on him... But I think Lilyn likes me... And I sorta like her.... But... What if Mitch does like me and I break his heart?
I'd practically kill myself, and it would probably mess up the mojo of Pentatonix with two of the five members(or more in this fanfic) being in a feud.
      ~Lilyn's POV~
  Scott just walked into my room and sat on my bed.  I don't quite know what is going on but he has a perplexed, but saddened look in his face.... "Scott, are you ok?" I ask full heartedly trying to sound comforting. 
   He sounds distressed as he replies," I don't- n-no nothing is wrong..."
   He started staring at me as he stuttered.  He walked right in front of me. Leaning in I realize his lips bump into mine.
   I pulled back cuz Mitch had told me he liked Scott, but immediately went back in.
  I couldn't help myself.  I've always liked Scott.
  I finally pulled back and he looked at me with a confused look, once more. "Why did you pull back? I-I thought... Did you like it?"  I look with a concerned face, trying to figure out why he was doing this, when it clicked.  He was trying to get Mitch's attention. I reply quite sassily," If you want Mitch to notice you, why don't you go talk to him 'bout it, okay?" He nods understandingly, realizing that I'd been staring at him 'cause I was tying to figure him out.
~Narrator's POV~

Scott walked out, gentle tears dripping down his face. He looked back to see Lilyn crying as well.

He ran back as fast as he could and pecked her on the lips. They both looked like lobsters the way they were blushing.

~Lizzy's POV~ (FINALLY)

   I was texting Avi when he sent me this amazing pic.



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Avi: I know ;)

Srsly? A winky face? He totally wants something

Me: What do you want? I know you want something.... Mr. BassCannon...:)

Sorry that this chapter was cut short from one thousand... It's a big goal and I NEEDED to update to give you at least something to know I'm still working on it. But for you I will give a pic that reminded me of the Dragon Lover himself, well a couple

 But for you I will give a pic that reminded me of the Dragon Lover himself, well a couple

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