Head Up, Bass Low

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-Avi's POV-

    I awaken from the sudden beam of light shining through my window.

I hear voices coming from the living room. Then footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room.

I expect Mitch, Scott, or even Kevin to come in, since they know I sleep with only boxers on. But sure enough, LIZZY, SKYLAR , AND LILYN COME IN INSTEAD!!!

Lizzy was the one standing in the doorway, with the rest of the girls behind her.  As she turns her head from her conversation to look at me, she stops in pure shock. 

     The other two notice she stops, and looks to see why.  Lilyn and Skylar start busting out laughing.

     I blush just about the hardest I have in quite a long time.  "Ummmm...," I break the silence (besides the two girls laughing)

     I then hear Scömíche running up the stairs(Scömíche stands for Mitch and Scott(Noodle+Kween with a K)).

     Mitch starts apologizing," OMG I'm so sorry, I forgot Avi sleeps half naked!"

    Noodle then pokes Liz and she flinches.  Something just put my mouth on autopilot and I spoke," Don't hurt her!!"  I can't believe I just scolded Scott....  he's gonna kill me. 

    I jump up and pull Lizzy in my room and push everyone else out.

     I give a concerned look and ask her," Are you ok? Did he hurt you?  Is everything ok?"

     She looks at me and blushes. "No sir, but I'm a little uncomfortable.... You are half naked..."

    I look down and run into my private restroom and bring in my clothes.

    Five minutes later, she is sitting on my bed playing Pentatonix album ||.  

     I smile when she looks at my face, then she looks down.... crap. 

     She runs out and hides in her room.  Then Scömíche, Kevin, and Kirsten come into my room.  Kirstie goes to Lizzy's room.  They all looks at me, Mitch walking up to my face. 

Then the unspeakable happens....  He... slaps..... me....  The crack sound echoes throughout the house. 


    Then, Mitch says," Do you hear that?"  Then I hear it... footsteps... fast... someone is running, and towards my room. 

   Then Lizzy runs in and hugs me, then slaps Mitch and tells him to get out.    She hugs me.

She tells the rest of them to get out.    After everyone is out, she speaks," I'm sorry, but really, like Mitch said, don't wear only towels around your junk when ladies are present.  Now I'm going to leave you to get dressed."

After five minutes, go to step down the stairs to go to the living room, and then I see it....

"NO!!!" I scream and I loose it.. I cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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