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Two years later,
As time went on , the three siblings grew up with happiness and each and every day went as peaceful , whilst their parents continue to argue in their everyday life. Although the kids were not shown any of their parents argument , it became obvious as time went on when dinner came and Benny wouldn't even comment on the food or chat since normally when they eat dinner, they chat along to get everyone involved.

But this time , it was completely different and it's outrageous for the children to cope with their parents argument, so what they did was not to eat all and also make pranks on their parent that they were ill- not at the same time but obviously that would've been too revealing.
Three years later, when Zoey was about seven years old, Cassia was  four years and Narelle  one year old cute boy.

During the week, the family couldn't discuss issues or talk much so weekends were the best time for the family to join together; going shopping, outing ,....etc.
On Saturday noon Michelle decided to take her children out including their dad but Benny's pride was too full that day to the extent that he wouldn't even talk to his kids and the children felt bored without their parents so they just send their children to Michelle's fathers house and that's where they spend their weekend, leaving the kids there just like that.

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