Wonderland Wander

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Still Falling...

"From the world being called Wonderland, you would kind of expect that it wasn't normal." I heard 1E01.

"And we had to be these little bell heartless, UGH" 1A43 complained.

"Well at least you are the fire one, all I do is heal and fly around." 2B93 said sadly.

We finally landed and we all felt nauseous. Everything looked tilted and abstract.

"Is this a dream?" I said.

"Let me check.." 1E01 punched 2B93 in the shoulder.

"Yeah, 2B17," 2B93 said as he tries to recover from the punch , "its... not".

"Did it hurt that much?" 1E01 asked 2B93.

"I'm... a weak.... heartless... that... I guess.... gets..... real hurt...... when punched...."

"Oh sorry man" 1E01 pleading.

"Dont worry, good thing I can heal" he said as he waved his whole body around.

"I am assuming we go through that door." 1A43 pointed out

She went to go open the door and came upon another door. We all looked suprised. She then opened the next door and still another door.

"If another door comes out, so help me Ansem..." as she opened the third door to a weird room.

"What is this place?" 1E01 asked

"Well there is a bed, a dining table with 2 jars, a fireplace and some chairs." I said


"What is that" 2B93 looked around to find the sound.

We then saw a tiny door on the other side of the room. The doorknob was the one snoring.

"Did doorknobs always have this weird habit of snoring?" 1A43 said "but I have seen worst" and began to look at me.

"What?" I looked back at her

"Nothing, just saying that he isn't as loud as you when he sleeps"

We started pushing each other until the door handle woke up.

"Hey stop making all that noise. I am trying to sleep." The doorknob yawned

"Oh sorry" I said and immediately stopped

"Everyone comes here and ruins my sleep just so they can become smaller, drink that and you will be." The doorknob went back to sleep

"Ok thanks, I guess" 1E01 said as he handed us all a jar

"Bottoms up" he said and once we drank, we became smaller and a opening appeared where the bed was.

"I guess that is where we are suppose to go" 2B93 said

We went inside the opening and found ourselves in a garden with a bunch of walking playing cards and what seems to be a court room. There, sitting in a judge chair, was a queen ordering all these walking cards to paint all the flowers red.

"Ugh, look at this human making all these cards paint these flowers" I said, "why doesn't someone take her heart, if she has one, at that."

"Umm, you are kinda late on that one, 2B17"

1A43 was way ahead of all of us as she went with 2B93 to go take it. 1E01 and I went on top of a heart-shaped hedge to not get caught.

"So 1E01, how long do you think they are going to take?"

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