Chapter 1 (Naomi Smith)

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Naomi's pov
I get up before my parents do and got ready for school. I brushed my hair than got back into my room, I pulled on shoes. I grabbed my book bag and crept downstairs, I ninja rolled into the kitchen. I grabbed a box of granola bar and took one, I grabbed a juice from the fridge. I started walking toward the front door. "Where do you think your going?" I heard my fathers deep voice say. I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around seeing my dad standing at the stop of the stairs. "To school, it's Wednesday remember?" I asked slowly so he doesn't hurt me. "Oh yeah right, when you get home start cleaning up. Start with the basement than work your way up, I'm talking your mother out so when we get back I want this house spotless. Got it brat?" He asked "Yes sir." I said he nodded I basically ran out the front door and down the street. I live in walking distance of my school. I leave before anyone gets to school so, I can get away from my parents. They hit me..for no reason at times, I don't understand sometimes. They use to love me but than as I got older they started to depose my presence. I got to school and sat on a bench, I ate my granola bar and drunk my juice. After a while kids started arriving to school, I waited for my friend to arrive. I saw the normal black Volvo pull up, I get up as my best friend Renessme gets out the car. Her parents followed, I ran over to them. "Hey nessme." I said she smiled "Hey Naomi, this is my mom Bella, and my dad Edward." She said introducing her parents, I got shy and looked down. "It's nice to meet you both." I said "Aww there no need to be shy." Edward said I looked up and smiled, I blushed lightly. "Your just so cute." Bella said smiling downy at me. I blushed more. "Thank you kindly." I said Nessie smiled "Ness we gotta go, we will pick you up later and Naomi sweetheart, maybe you would like to come over for a while and play with Nessie?" Bella said hugging Nessie. "Yeah sounds fun." I said smiling. "Bye girls have a good day at school." Edward said getting in the car. "Bye!" Me and Nessie said at the same time. "Your parents are really nice." I said she looked at me "Yeah it runs in the family except uncle Jaspers he's weird, he like shows no emotion what so ever. And what are your parents like? I've never met them." She said as we came into the classroom. "They work all the time. Nothing special about my parents." I said plainly she nodded. We sat down and got our books out for the day. I loved school with Nessie she always so happy and bubbly. I love that about her, the day went by fast. The bell rang signaling the end of the day, we got our bags than went outside. "I can't wait for you to meet me my family! Your going to love them!" Nessie said smiling, I smiled back. "Can't wait!" I said her parents pulled up. Nessie hopped in the car, that's when it hit me. I can't go over her house, I have to clean the house...if I go home now I can clean the house than leave maybe. But if I go now...I don't know what time they will get back. I groaned "Nessme I can't come over today, I have to clean...tomorrow I will come over! Promise!" I said than running away to my house. She was probably upset I ran away, I got home. I ran inside upstairs to my room, dropping my bags than went back downstairs. I grabbed a bucket some rags, a mop, and some gloves. I got to work I cleaned everything and anything. Top to bottom, bottom to top. When I was done it was late, I put the bucket away along with everything else. I got something to eat, I heard the door open. "Naomi get your ass her right now!" I heard my mom yell I chocked on my food, I got up and ran to where she was. I stood there arms crossed behind my back. "Yes mother." I said sweetly. "What the hell is that?" She asked pointing in the living room at the beer bottles and trash. Oh dang it I didn't clean the living room, before I could respond. She had slapped me onto the floor, she started beating me. She kicked me in the stomach, with the freaking heel of her shoe. I tasted something metallic in my mouth, I spit it out....blood!? "Hey brat don't die here! Go die outside!" She said she grabbed me and dragged my outside, she threw my down the front steps. My head smacked against the concrete and I blacked out.

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