Chapter 4 (3 am)

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Naomi's pov
I was sleeping in bed with Nessie since I didn't have my own room yet. I stared at the ceiling I couldn't sleep, Nessie was fast asleep. I got up and hopped over her. I left the room, I walked through the quiet hallways. I was at a cabin with Bella Edward and Nessie. I grabbed Edwards jacket that was hanging up. Mind you it was like 3 in the morning. I only had on Edwards shirt since, I like hit a growth spurt and now I can't fit any of nessie's stuff. Bella's stuff would not fit either. I opened the front door and ran to the main house. I heard thunder in the distance. I ran faster, I was trying to remember the path we took. Before I knew it, it was raining and lightening. I eventually made it back to the main house, the storm was getting worse. I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door. It was locked of course. I knocked on the door and rang the door bell. After a while Esme opened the door. "Oh my Naomi come in." She said pulling me inside. I was dripping wet. She ran and got me a towel and came back wrapping it around me. "Does Edward and Bella know your here?" She asked "No..I wanted to see Emmett and rose. I didn't want to wake anyone." I said "Emmett and Rose are upstairs." She said I nodded I hugged her quickly. "Thank you Esme." I say than ran upstairs. I knocked on a random door, Jasper opened the door. "Naomi, what are you doing here?" He asked "Looking for my parents." I said oh Emmett and rose went and signed the papers so now I'm a Cullen! Whoop whoop! "Down the hall up the stairs and first door on the right." He said "Thanks." I said I walked upstairs and knocked on the first door on the right. I heard footsteps than the door opened, Rose stood their in a silk robe. "Naomi cupcake, how did you get here?" She asked letting me in the room. "I ran in the rain." I said "I couldn't sleep." I added "Please don't run here in the middle of the night, me & Emmett don't want you to get hurt." She said putting some hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry I just thought it would be okay if I came here." I said "It's okay. Just lay down." She said I climbed into their huge bed, I laid my head on the pillow. "Where's Emmett?" I asked rolling over. "He's out somewhere." She said sitting on the bed. I laid my head in her lap, she played with my hair and I soon started to fall asleep. "Rose?" I asked "Yes?" She asked "Is it okay if I call you mom?" I asked "Of course whatever you want." She said I smiled. We talked a little than the door opened. I looked up and saw Emmett, he smiled when he saw me. "Is that my princess?" He asked walking over. I hugged him tightly. I pulled away about to say something but I heard yelling of my name. I hoped out the bed and ran to the stairs. "I can't find Naomi!" Edward yelled he looked so worried in so much panic. I laughed a little, his head snapped toward the stairs. Before I could blink he was in front of me. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug, literally. "You can't run off like that, your parents will kill me." He said setting me down. I laughed "To late here they come." I said looking behind me. "How are you going to let our daughter, leave the house 3 in the morning? Did you know she left?" Rose asked crossing her arms. "No rose I didn't I wouldn't have ran in here screaming if I knew she left." He said "Don't get snippy with my mom." I said crossing my arms also. He raised his eyebrow. "Who do you think you are?" Edward asked stepping up a stairs, I got scared and back up behind Emmett. "Don't let him hurt me." I said peeking around him. "Come here you butter ball!" Edward yelled running up the stairs. I screamed and ran away, Edward  chased me around the house. "Be careful." My mom yelled as I almost knocked over a vase, I caught it and put it back than kept running. "I'm going to get you!" He yelled I felt arms lace around me and my feet were off the ground. "I got you now!" He laughed I squealed. "I'll eat my victim, soup sounds nice yes?" He asked "No it doesn't." I said laughing. "Maybe I'll just eat you right here right now." He said licking his lips. I laughed and squealed as he playful bite my face and neck. "Let me go, soup sounds great." I said out of breath from laughing. "Soup it is." He said "You can continue this tomorrow. "Naomi need to be in bed." My mom said I groaned. "Come on 5 more minutes?" I asked Edward still had me in his arms. My feet were dangling, Edward slowly set me down. "No Naomi bed." Dad said he pointed upstairs. "Aww man Edward, I was really looking forward to be made into soup." I said turning toward him. "I promise we will finish making you into soup tomorrow." He said tickling me a little making me laugh. "Okay goodnight Uncle Edward." I said as I went upstairs to my parents. "Goodnight Naomi." He said with a sly smirk.

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