Chapter 2 (Lying)

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Naomi's pov
I wake up and see I'm outside in the pouring rain. I get up and run under the porch roof. I try to get back inside but the door was locked. I see a bag laying on ground. With a note "If your not dead take this bag and go away for the day." I take the bag and walk to school, I didn't even want to go inside so I sat on the bench outside and waited for school to be over. I heard the bell ran signaling the end of the day, everyone came out. I saw Nessie, I got up and ran over to her. "Nessie! Hey." I said she looked at me, she took a double take. "Oh my god what happened?!" She said I looked down than back up at her. "I tripped and fell down the stairs, I'm okay though." I said smiling she gave me a weird look. I prayed she didn't ask anymore questions. "My grandpa can check you out just in case. But here's my parents right now." She said as the oh so familiar black Volvo pulled up. Nessie climbed in and I followed. "Hello Naomi." Edward said I hid my face. "Hi." I said softly putting in my seat belt. "How was your day?" Bella asked "Fine." Nessie said "Could be worst." I said I felt eyes on me, I slowly look up and see Bella looking at me along with Nessie. Edward was looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Oh my Naomi what happened to you?" Bella asked licking her thumb than wiped a spot in my face. "Mom she fell down the stairs, don't put your saliva all over her face." Nessie said pushing her hand away. "Ness it's fine." I said I fell asleep after a while, I was dead tired.
Naomi's pov
I felt myself lifted into someone's arms, they were cold by warm to me. I snuggled into them, I breathed in a little. They smelled like cinnamon, I smile. "Cinnamon." I whisper I heard some laughs. After a while of being held, I was laid down on something really soft. I fell back into a deep sleep, but that didn't last long. My parents! I sat up and looked around, they weren't here. If I stayed out to long they would hurt me again. I got out of the nice comfy bed and started pacing back in forth, my breathing hitched as I thought of how I had to go home but didn't want to. I fell to my knees, I started crying. I heard footsteps than I saw Nessie in front of me. "Naomi..what's wrong? Don't cry..oh my god MOM DAD!" She yelled I started having a panic attack. She got up and ran to get her parents. I started breaking down, a very beautiful blond girl appeared in front of me along with Nessie who looked scared and concerned. "Hey there's okay relax..your alright." She cooed she went to touch my face, I flinched back shaking my head. "I can't go home..I can't go home...I can't go home." I whispered rocking back and forth. "Nessie go call your grandfather while I get Emmett." She said she was gone in a blink of an eye. I tried to steady my breathing which worked, I eventually calmed down. Tears still fell from my puffy red eyes. I heard footsteps than saw the blonde lady again this time with a buff guy. "Are you okay?" The guy asked I looked at him, he smiled softly. I slowly nodded he smiled bigger. "What's your name?" The blonde lady asked "Na-Naomi." I said sniffling. "I'm Rosalie, this is Emmett." She said softly. I started getting tired again, Emmett and Rose noticed. "Someone's sleepy." Emmett said "But you must be hungry?" Rose asked I nodded "Let's go get something to eat." Rose said helping me up. I followed them downstairs and to the kitchen. Nessie joined us too, I sat at the counter and waited. I started falling asleep, I felt someone hit my arm and my head smacked against the counter. "What the-" i said I looked up and saw Nessie laughing. I pushed her lightly, she pushed me back. "Hey quit it!" I said we started fighting. She pulled me onto the floor, I pulled her down with me. We started pulling each others hair and pinching each other. "Hey girls break it up." Emmett said he grabbed me, he walked me over to a chair. He put it facing the corner and sat me in it. "I'm not 3 I don't need to be in the corner." I said "Yes you do. Both are staying in the corner until your food is ready." Rose said I crossed my arms. "I hope you know this is your fault!" Nessie said "No it's your fault you touched me first!" I yelled at her "What is going on here?" I heard someone say and in walked a pixie looking lady and a blonde guy that looked like rose. "She hit me!" I said pointing at Nessie. "I'll do it again!" She said I got up so did she. "Do it!" I said the blonde guy stood in front of me and picked me up. "No fighting." He said "Renessme what's wrong with you?" The pixie lady asked "She's just being a meanie." She said I crossed my arms as the guy held me in the air. My feet dangled "Can you put me down?" I asked he smiled and sat me down. "Sorry." He said I nodded "I'm jasper by the way." He said holding out his hand I smiled at his accent. "I'm Naomi Renessme's best friend!" I said smiling at Nessie she rolled her eyes.

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