Chapter 5 (Vampires and Werewolves)

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Naomi's pov
My parents told me they had to tell me something, so I got dressed into the clothes Alice left me.

I stole some earrings from my mom and a ring

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I stole some earrings from my mom and a ring. "Can I come downstairs now?!" I yelled from the top of the stairs. "Yes you may!" Esme said back. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. "So what do you all want to talk to me about?" I asked sitting on an arm rest since there was no where to sit. Jasper stood so I could take his seat but I declined. "Well this is something that we've all came to an agreement on, and this is hard for us just as it is for you." Mom said. "Don't tell me your send me back to foster care.." I said "No! No! Cupcake never we love you!" She said come over and grabbing my hands. "Okay what we are trying to tell you is that we are vampires." Dad said standing up. "Emmett!" Half the family said Jasper and Edward punched his arms. "Way to sugar coat it!" Edward and Jasper said. I stood up and back away. They all looked at me. "So what your saying is your drink human blood?" I asked "You don't go outside in the light, coffins, and stakes through hearts, type vampire?" I asked "That's all fake, we can go outside and we only can die by being set on fire and beheaded. Also we don't drink human blood we are so called vegetarian. We only eat like dear and bears." Jasper said with a shrug. "Yeah way to sugar coat it Jasper." My said said pushing him lightly. "Nessie you know and didn't say anything?" I asked on the inside I was like oh my god vampires! That's so cool but on the outside I was like woah woah woah! "I kinda a half breed, I'm human and vampire." She said I laughed and started clapping. "This is a joke right?" I asked "No we wouldn't joke about this." Alice said "So since your vampires what can you guys do?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. "We have really fast speed, super cool reflexes." Nessie said standing up. They all demonstrated what they can do. I found out Alice could see the future, she knew my parents would die. Jasper can tell emotions, Edward could read minds yet he can't read mine, Dad had super strength, mom was super beautiful. Grandpops had control with humans and Grandma Esme just loved people unconditionally. Oh and Bella had a shield and Nessie could send people thought through touch. "You guys are so cool!" I squealed. They all laughed, shrugging. "Not really." Edward said "You can read minds! I've always wanted to do that!" I said running over to him. "Like if I don't like someone I could see what they are thinking." I said "And Alice you could save lives with your power." I said running over to her. "It doesn't actually work like that." She said softly. "Jasper you could be a therapist!" I said "Dad you can be a body builder, Mom you can do people's makeup." I said pointing to her. "Bella can um..never mind Nessie skip!" Everyone laughed again. "Grandpops can never he already has a job, Grandma Esme can work at the hospital with the new born babies because they need cuddles and love." I said nodding my head. "What about you?" Jasper asked "What about me?" I asked "What is your job going to be?" He asked with a smirk. "I don't know..I just go with the flow." I said waving my arms. "Anything else I need to know about." I asked "The pack, werewolves." Nessie said "Really!" I yelled. "Yeah you should meet them!" She said standing up. "Ness I don't think so.." My mom said. "Mommy please?" I said hopping into her lap and wrapping my arms around her neck. "I don't know..Emmett?" She asked "She'll have to meet them eventually, but what if they imprint of her? I'll have to snap some necks." Dad said I snickered. "Neck snap." I said "Wait what's imprint?" I asked "Well it's a werewolf thing, it's like how you find your soul mate. Like how me and your dad are mates we were meant to be together forever and ever." My mom said stealing a glance at dad who smiled. You could see love in their eyes. "Aww you guys are too cute." I said "We'll go, just don't look them in the eyes." My dad said picking me up, he put me on his back. "Bella Edward ness you coming?" Rose asked "Yeah.." Bella said getting up. We left and my dad stood at the edge of the tree line. "Hold on my little monkey." Dad said I adjust a little and nodded. "Ready?" He asked "I'm ready." I said before I could even blink. We were flying through the woods, everything was a blur it was so much fun I laughed as dad jumped on a tree and swung like a monkey. "Emmett be careful she's still human!" I heard my mom yell. I was having too much fun and I slipped off my dads back, I fell through the air. I felt arms wrap around me, I saw Edward. I started laughing again. "Your such a crazy child butterball." He said after a while he came to a haul at a river. He set me down and my mom flashed up. She pulled me into a hug. "Are you okay baby?" She asked "I'm fine, Edward caught me." I said pulling away. I high fives Edward. "Nice catch!" I said "I tried." He said Bella and Nessie showed up. Nessie ran over "Are you okay?" She asked "I'm fine ness." I said my dad landed next to Bella. My mom walked over to my dad and slapped him. He winced an held his face. "We have a kid now, you can't do reckless things like that you could of seriously hurt her! Emmett sometimes-" my mom was pissed. I didn't want it to keep going so I stepped in. "Mom chill, I'm fine. Can you say sorry for hitting him? Both of you say sorry." I said "No." My mom said I gasped dramatically. "Fine don't say sorry, please do not talk to until you tell each other sorry." I said crossing my arms. "You can not do that I'm the parent your the chil-" she was saying but she cut off by a deep voice saying. "Cullen's? What do you want?" I looked an saw a shirtless guy. "Sam hey!" Nessie said she ran and hopped over the river easily. "Hey Renessme." He said giving her a fist bump. "My best friend well now my cousin, wants to meet the pack think you can work something out for me?" She asked I'm guessing Sam looked at me. I waved and smiled, he smiled. "Come on over kid." He said Edward grabbed my hand and lowered onto the rocks below. "Be careful we love you." I heard my mom say. I stepped across the rocks, sam held out his hand. I jumped up and grabbed his hand. He lifted me up onto the other side. "Love you too!" I said waving. "Please don't look any of them in the eye, we don't want our baby falling in love." My mom said I looked at her. "I'll try not too..I mean I'm flawless no one can resist this." I said flipping my hair. "Have fun Sam please watch over her." Dad said "I will." He said nodding. We walked into the woods after a while we came to a beach!? "You guys have a beach!?" I squealed. "Yes we do." Sam said with a chuckle. "Can I get in?" I asked "I don't know.." He said to late I already pulled off my shirt. "Ness you coming?" I asked taking off my shoes. "My parents-" she started to say. "Your parents aren't here, live a little." I said pulling off my pants. "Hold these?" I asked taking out my earrings and ring. I handed them to sam and ran over to the water. I dived in and resurfaced, Nessie she ran in screaming about how cold it was. We slashed around, Sam sat on the beach keeping a close eye on us. After a while I heard thunder in the distance, we got out quickly. I shivered as the wind blew "Jeez it's cold." I said "This is what happens when you go swimming when your not suppose too." Nessie said I mocked her. She shoved me, I shoved her back. "Stop fighting." Sam said she pushed me on last time. After a while we came down a house it was so cute. We went inside "Stay here." Sam said we nodded. "This is sam's house, the pack stays here too." Nessie explained. Sam came back with towels, I took it gratefully. I dried off than put my clothes back on, I sniffed my hair it smelled like salt. I heard a howl Nessie shot up and ran outside. I followed behind so did Sam. I saw wolves come out of the tree line. I gasped they were huge! I looked at Sam he laughed at my face. Nessie ran over to one of the wolves who nuzzled her and kicked her face. "Jacob stop!" She giggled I sat down on the stairs. The wolves went into the woods and came back humans. Bruh they all were shirtless and had abs. "Naomi come over here!" Nessie said waving me over I got up and walked over. "This is Jacob, jacob my BestFriend Naomi." Nessie said I waved "Hi Jacob." I said he held his hand out. I shook it, he was really warm. I pulled away "Your the Cullen's new daughter?" He asked "Yes I am." I said "Hey guys! You gotta meet the Cullen's new kid she's hilarious!" Jacob said as we walked into the house laughing. I snickered at him. Everyone looked up, at us. "The Cullen's had another kid?" Someone asked "Yeah guys this is Naomi, Naomi this is Jared, Brady, Collin, Embry, Quil, Leah, Seth, and Paul." I looked at them all my eyes landed on Paul. He was hot, I locked eyes with him and everyone in the room gasped. I quickly looked away "It was nice meeting you all." I said I shook their hands. Leah didn't seem to want to take shake my hand, Seth smiled and shook my hand. I held out my hand to Paul. He reached for my hand but I pulled away quickly. "To slow!" I said teasing. Everyone except Leah and Paul laughed. "I'm joking." I said grabbing his hand and shaking his hand. I felt tingles, I pulled away and smiled. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me outside. It was Nessie "Dude! Paul imprinted on you." She said "What's the big deal?" I asked "He's mean and reckless! But I mean hey an imprint is an imprint uncle Emmett's going to flip! Don't get me started on Aunt Rosalie! Dude your going to be-" she started to talk crazy. I covered her mouth with my hand. "Shut up, relax nothing bad is going to happen." I said she removed my hand. "My mom fought Jacob it was hilarious! Well that what uncle Emmett said." She explained. "Tell me what happened." I said we turned and looked out to the woods and she told the story about how it happened.

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