Chapter 11 (Future vision)

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Naomi's pov
"Aunt Alice, come here." I said sitting criss cross in the middle of the living room floor. She came and sat in front of me. "Uncle Edward! Nessie!" I yelled they came and sat down too. "What's happening?" Nessie asked "You'll see." Aunt Alice said. I grabbed Nessie and uncle Edward's hand. We all linked hands, I closed my eyes. "I had a dream about this, I could see what happened with the battle. Aunt Alice you've seen it to right?" I asked "You know it." She said "Close your eyes, if you levitate don't freak out its just me." I said I opened my eyes and see their eyes are closed. The witnesses were watching closely. I closed my eyes and concentrated, images flashed in my head. I felt us lift off the ground. "Uh Naomi I prefer the ground." Uncle Edward said "Shut up I have to concentrate." I said I heard him sigh. I saw us standing in a field, the Volturi showed up. Someone said something wrong and than a fight happened. Jake ended up taking Nessie while me and Paul stayed, I think it's because I told him I'll never forgive him, if he took me away without my helping. Anyway we stayed and fought. Me and Paul were side by side fighting, Paul lunged at a vampire. He was caught in a head lock, than my heart shattered when I saw the vampire snap Paul's neck. I cringed, I ended up screaming and like killing all the Volturi with my mind. I opened my eyes as my heart started racing, we fell through the air. Nessie groaned as she hit the floor, aunt Alice and uncle Edward looked at me. I stopped and got up. "Naomi that's not the only way the battle will happen there is other possibilities. I'm sure everything will work out fine." She said getting up. "And if it doesn't?" Nessie asked her dad plucked her, she winced. "I'll be back." I said "Your wall is down." Uncle Edward said "Right. No wonder I could feel you searching my brain." I said even though I couldn't really. He chuckled. I put my wall back up and grabbed my coat along with my shoes. "Tell my parents I'm going for a walk." I said wrapping my scarf around my neck and pulling on my gloves. I ran to the treaty line, and hopped over. I landed softly than I started walking I was out of breath. I'm still human remember that. "Paul! Hey Paul!" I yelled my voice seemed to echo. After some minutes I heard a twig snap and some bushes rustled. I looked and saw Paul's wolf. I ran over and hugged him, we fell into the snow. "You're okay !" I cried I felt him nod. I let him go and sat up. "I had this vision where you died, I just had to see you." I said softly looking down. He put his nose under my chin and lifted my head. He barked and whined. "I'm okay." I said "Are you on patrol?" I asked he nodded. "Can I come with you?" I asked he shook his head no. "Paul please?" I whined. He growled and shook his head no. I started fake crying, he whined and placed his head on my lap. "Gotcha so can I come?" I asked he rolled his eyes and nodded this time. "Great me and Paul going patrolling whoop whoop!" I cheered. He got up, I hopped on his back and he started walking. "Paul?" I asked he tilted his head as he walked farther. "What would happen to me if you died? Would I die too?" I asked he huffed and whined. "Is that a yes?" I asked he slowly nodded his big head. "But I don't understand.." I said "Paul!" I heard someone yell. I looked and saw a girl standing there. "Paul who is this kid?" She asked Paul stopped and turned toward her. "Is this the so called girl you left me for?" She asked "What is she talking about Paul?" I asked "You're his imprint, some kid?" She laughed Paul growled. "Who is she?" I asked "I'm his ex." She said walking over. I got off Paul's back and walked over to her. "So what? Why are you here?" I asked her crossing my arms. "I came to settle things with you, let's make a bet. If you win this fight you can keep Paul and if I win I can have him back." She said I rolled my eyes. I told myself I wouldn't fight a girl over a boy but it's Paul we're talking about. "Fine whatever." I said. She tackled me into the snow, she went to punch me but I grabbed her fist and kicked her off of me. I got on top of her and punched her in the face, she grabbed my hair pulling me off of her. She dragged me around in the snow causing me to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" She asked as she got on top of me. I continued to laugh, I heard her growl. "This is why I hate kids." She said. I heard a click sound than felt a pain in my side, I stopped laughing and chocked on something. I looked and saw a knife in my side, I looked up at her. She had a dark look in her eyes but it went away. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She said getting off of me. Paul snarled than leaped forward knocking her off me. She screamed bloody murder as he bit into her neck killing her instantly. I rolled over spitting out blood, Paul whined and walked over. He licked my face and nudged me. "I'm okay I'm okay." I said he laid down, I swung my leg over her back and he took off running through the woods. I look at my hand and saw blood, I put pressure on my side causing me to whimper. Paul ran faster, the bitch stabbed me. He came to the house and howled loudly, he trotted in a circle. Jake ran out the house, he ran over Nessie close behind. "What happened?" Nessie asked seeing all the blood. Jake picked me up bridal style. "Tell me what happened." He said taking me inside. I heard gasps from the witnesses. "Welp Paul's ex wanted to fight me-" I said Jake shook his head. "That crazy hoe, she stabbed you?" He asked I nodded "Carlisle!" Jake yelled taking me into this room that looked like a hospital operation place. I've never seen this room before! I heard footsteps than saw Grandpops. "What happened?" He asked calmly. Jake laid me on the table. Grandpops took a razor, he twirled it around his fingers than cut my jacket. They easily took it off, I winced a couple of times. "Pauls ex wanted to fight her and I don't know why you accepted to, she stabbed her." Jake said "Hey I'm not going to lose my Paul to some girl, gosh Jake you would do it for Nessie right?" I asked he smiled softly thinking of Nessie. "Yeah I would." He said "And you Grandpops you'd do it for grandma Esme?" I asked looking at him. He smiled "Indeed child I would." He said Grandpops cut my shirt too. "This was my favorite shirt!" I yelled "I'll buy you a new one, relax." He said "Where is our baby!" I heard my mom yell than the door floor open. My parents were at my side in 2.5 seconds. "Oh baby what happened?" Mom asked dad's eyes turned black. "Uh dad." I said he looked at me his eyes went back to gold. He smiled. "Sorry princess, but are you okay?" He asked "I'm fine." I said "I'm going to have to pull it out now." Grandpops said "Hold her down.." He added my dad held down my shoulders, my mom grabbed my arms and Jake grabbed my ankles. "On 3." He said I closed my eyes I felt him grab the knife. "1..3!" Grandpops said and took it out. I screamed so loud I'm sure the whole house shook. I was crying "Fuck..that hurt." I said "Your language." Mom said "She's fine rose, she's hurting." Dad said "I'll have to stitch you up, I need concentration will you all be excused?" Grandpops asked nicely as he wiped up the blood on my side. "Yeah." They said letting me go. Grand pops stitched me up and wrapped my side, I kinda zoned out for a while. "All done." He said washing his hands and I sat up a little. I got down and walked to the living room my mom was yelling at Paul. I stood in the doorway, I saw my mom raise her fist and punch Paul in his face. Dad started laughing as Paul flew across the room. Paul landed on the floor, he sighed and nodded. "I deserved that." He said "Like hell you did! If she gets hurt when she's in your hands again, I'll kill you." She said "Mom relax." I said stepping in. She looked at me and sighed. "I'm sorry." She said and left the room along with dad. I walked over to Paul and helped him up. "Are you okay?" I asked "Are you okay?" He asked brushing himself off. "I'm fine." I said "I didn't think she would pull out a knife, I should of known." He said shaking his head. "I'm fine, I'm okay. It's okay." I said hugging him. He rested his head on mine. "Your mom is right, I'm no good for you." He said I pulled away quickly. "What? She said that? When?" I asked getting mad. I need to have a talk with her.

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