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"We reached our destination " Nathan said trying to sound funny, I giggled just because he just looked so adorable. Mia glared at me trying to let me know that I was being obvious. We can speak with no words, I guess that's what years of friendship will do. I quickly stopped.  We Arrived at the perfect time because the table we always sat on had just been cleaned up "this way please" our waiter wouldn't stop looking at me and I guess I wasn't the only one that noticed because Nathan looked at me and wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me to the table, I didn't know if I was dreaming or if this was really happening "you can thank me later" Nathan said with a smirk "you didn't have to do that, it's not like he was being rude or anything" Nathan looked at Mia and began to speak in a snarky tone " yeah, but he wasn't good enough for you" he said giving me a wink I could feel my heart beat speed up when he winked at me, Nathan ordered almost half the menu. He wasn't kidding when he said he was hungry "Camila I need to ask you something"  My heartbeat immediately speeds up.. what is he going to ask "What is it Nate?" I could see he was stressed about what ever it was "look, my mom doesn't want me in the house because my sister is moving in soon with her kids and since you have an extra room I was wondering If maybe I could live there for a while just until I get my own place" I knew Nate and his sister didn't get along but I didn't think I'd get to the point where they couldn't be under the same roof. I can't believe my crush is asking to move in with me "yeah, but I mean when will you be moving in?" He smiled at my approval and said  "whenever you allow me to" what I'm I suppose to do I need to go home and clean up also I need to re-decorate..wait why do I care it's not like he's never been to my house "you can start moving stuff tomorrow if it's that bad, the last thing I want is you and your sister straight up a family feud again" Nathan gave me a kiss in the check "thanks, I love you" oh my god I know we always say I love you to each other but for some reason now it felt different.

Mia and I got back to my place Nathan had gone back home to start packing and getting ready for tomorrow's move . As soon as I closed my door Mia attacked me with questions "oh my god!!! Nathan is going to live with you! this is your chance to make a move cam, what are you going to do? are you going to let him live here forever? And more importantly are you going to let him live here for free?" She was getting a little too excited "Mia relax, no I'm not going to tell him and he said it was just until he got his own place, it's not a big deal! now help me clean the house dork" Mia rolled her eyes "that's how it all starts, he moves in for a week and the weeks turn to months next thing you know you are married with eight kids and stop calling me a dork...NERD!" I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment.  We both started cleaning the apartment I made sure every corner of the home was clean specially the room he was going to stay in by the time we  were done it was already really late and I had to drop Mia off at her place. I was on my way back from dropping her off when I felt my phone vibrate

|cam I know it's late and you said to move tomorrow but my sister moved in today and we been fighting ever since I got here,so I was just wondering if it was okay if I moved right now ? And can you help me with my boxes? Please don't kill me |

my apartment was already clean so I had no reason not to let him.

|yeah, it's okay. don't fight with your sister Nathan you know that does nothing but make things worse.  I'm on my way to your place right ready |

I pulled up to his driveway and started putting the small boxes in my car
"Camila  thank you so much for what your doing for me" Nathan said with his voice trembling while he wrapped his arms around me pulling me towards him and giving me a tight hug, when Nathan gave me a hug I always felt so safe and for a moment everything else disappears

"you're welcome. You know I'd do anything for you"  Nathan just smiled while he started to put more boxes into his car "it's going to be so much fun. The two of us living together!"

I giggled and blushed at the thought of Nathan living with me I got so lost in my thoughts that  I forgot to keep track of time " it's 2:30 am , hurry Nathan I'm really tired and I need to go to the gym early tomorrow morning " Nathan quickly packed the last box "That's think I could ride with you?" I shook my head up and down "yeah, you can come just make sure you wake up early because I won't be waiting" I know Nathan has a tendency to sleep in. I got in my car and Nathan leaned onto the window  "yeah, I'll be up" he said sounding a little excited, I'm not sure why. I started the car and he got into his we both drove away Nathan  in front because he drives like a crazy person and I in the other had always drive at speed limit I was not about to get a ticket for no reason he always makes fun of my driving saying I drive like an old lady but then again compared to Nathan everyone drives like an old lady.  We decided It was late and we would unpack tomorrow in the afternoon.

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