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We got back to the apartment and Nathan ordered Chinese food and bought some movies because it was raining so we really couldn't do much.I love rainy days specially the thunder but Nathan on the other hand,is terrified Nathan isn't one to constantly get scared but lighting boy that scared him alright, I could see him flinch every time

"Are you okay Nate ?"

"What do you mean?"

"With the lighting I know how scared you are of them"

"I'm a big boy I'll be okay" he winked at me. Are you kidding me? does he not understand I'm trying me best not to like him..of course he doesn't I haven't told him mhhh thing is if he doesn't feel the same then it can turn really awkward and maybe so awkward that he would want to move out and I'm loving him being here.

"Put the movie cam" I put an action movie first because I really like action but not like bloody action that can make you puke just a little to remind you there is action going on,Nathan hates action but he LOVES  scary movies because he "doesn't get scared"

Boys have too much pride to admit they do get spooked . I personally can't stand them. Once  Mia and I were watching Freddy cougar and By the end of it Mia had my nail marks all over her arm and that was the last time Mia took me to watch a scary movie.

"Come watch it Nathan!!!" I'm getting impatient so I grab the a pillow and trow it at him

"Oh you wanna play that game?" He smiled oh no that mea-Nathan jumped on top if me squishing the oxygen out of me he tickled me until I was nearly in tears damn I hate being ticklish, I punched his arm which just made him laugh

"That's all you got?"  I rolled my eyes because now he was holding my  wrist

"Ow ow Nathan I give up! Let go!let go let go" he quickly let go

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you" he said in his most concerned tone of voice

I jumped on top of him and tried to tickle him

"Hahahaha I'm just messing with you" I said

"Fine you win now let's watch the movie" the thunder got louder and louder I leaned into Nathan's arms and he wrapped his arm around my waist and we watched the rest of the movie together Nathan fell asleep trough the middle but he woke up when I screamed at the end when the kid died

"Worst action movie ever, next time I'm picking it out"

"How would you know? you were asleep trough half of it" I said loudly  and he giggled

"Put the scary one on"

"You do it"

"I don't have shoes on and if I walk barefoot the lightning-"

" i'll go,i'll go" Ugh I have heard  the speech a million times.

As soon as I put it on I jumped into Nathan's arms "I hate you for making me watch this" I whispered .most of the movie I was hugging Nathan and hiding my face in his shoulder. I hate when things pop out and there was faces coming from every direction when you least expected them. I was still incredibly scared. when the movie was over Nathan hugged me tighter

"Are you gonna be okay to sleep alone"

"No! are you kidding me? You're sleeping with me you made me watch this "he laughed at me.
Nathan, Mia and I used to always have sleep overs after movie nights. Nothing to overthink I tell myself

"Okay I'm going to go get some sleep wear"
he let go of me and got up

"Wait Nathan!!!! Don't leave me" I got up and chased after him, then I made him give me a ride on his back to his room, I felt like such a little kid but i could care less. For a moment it felt like we were just best friends again and I didn't see him as nothing more. Felt just like the old days. Nathan took off his black shirt and put on the army shirt he got when he went to see a premiere of some movie I can't remember what it was about or why he got the shirt. he took his pants off ,he Was just in his underwear now,I quickly blushed and covers my eyes while he giggled

"You can look now" I slowly slide my hands down from my eyes

"Okay can we go to my room now so I can shower and change?"

"Yeah, let's go"

"Cam you know that if something were to try to hurt you I would defiantly kill it...because you know they wouldn't be able to resist my sexiness so they would die of the shock of seeing this sexy beast"

I bursted out laughing "Nathan, can you be anymore stuck up?"

"I'm not stuck up, just really confident" he said with a smirk

"Whatever, I'm going to hop in the shower please don't leave the room"

"Where else am I going to go?"

I ignored his question and grabbed my underwear a white tank top and my favorite sleeping shorts they were black and had a cheetah border at the top,I love cheetah print things I made sure I didn't forget anything because I was not about to end up like all the girls in the movies where they forget something and then they have to go back into the room and some how their towel falls or something happens and they end up naked. I got in my bathroom I'm my room and left my door slightly open just in case something supernatural happens. I got out of the shower and Nathan was still laying in the same part of my bed but he had his Nike sandals on

My eyes turned red "Nathan take off your shoes!!!!" 

"Oh, sorry I forgot you're a clean freak"

"First of all I'm not a clean freak I'm organized and you in the other hand are just a pig" I crossed my arm I felt awesome and accomplished by incredible come back

"What ever you say " Nathan rolled his eyes "can we sleep now I'm exhausted"

I hopped under my covers then I felt Nathan get closer to me and wrap his arm around my waist


"Yeah" he said in his sleepy voice, god he sounded amazing

" wait until I fall asleep and then you can go to sleep"

"As you wish princess"

I turned  my body towards Nathan now I was facing him and I put my face in his shoulder while he hugged me and then I fell asleep...

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