Chapter 3

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I woke up on my bed but I couldn't remember getting there, all I remember was falling asleep on the sofa "Morning beautiful ready for the gym?" I looked up to see Nathan with a sleeveless shirt by the sides of it you could see his 6 pack and he was wearing his black sweat pants  "no wait let me shower and then we can go & Nathan how did I get to my bed from the sofa?"  "Well you fell asleep instantly when we got home so I had to carry you to your bed" I smiled "thank you " I can't believe Nathan carried me to my bed are you kidding me how do I not remember any of this damn..I must of been really tired.I got out of my shower and put some hot pink work out shorts and a white tank top on & of course my black running shoes and I grabbed  my Victoria secret water bottle "lets go Nathan!"  I yelled loud enough for him to hear from his room that was just the next door to mine "your car or mine?but I'm driving because if its up to you we are going to get there by tomorrow" I smiled "fine,lets go in your car because I'm not risking getting my car crashed" i was already in Nathan's car when I her him starting to yell at some guy the other guy was pretty cute I have to admit but nothing compared to Nathan. Nate slammed the door "what happened why were you screaming?" He completely ignored my question "Nathan! Why were you screaming at that boy?" Nathan looked at me straight in the eye "he said hey baby let me get a piece of that as* , I just told him a couple things I mean what was I supposed to do let him disrespect you like that?" I bursts out my laugh loud as always and he just continued to look angry "what's so funny, you think it's funny that guy disrespected you? I swear I was going to fu** him up!" I thought it was so funny how man he got at that guy "no Nathan It's just funny how mad you got" I giggle "it's because I care about you, you're like my sister"

Like a sister? You got to be kidding me I'm totally crushing on this kid and all he could say was "sister" I can't deal with this I looked out the window and ignored him for the rest of the ride there. He noticed I was upset "What's wrong cam? is something bothering you?"
"no Nate I'm fine can we please get inside I don't have all day?" I got out if the car and slammed the door, I know it's stupid to get mad at him I mean how was he supposed to know I have the biggest crush on him if I didn't tell him...Him being so clueless just makes me even more angry. As soon as we got inside I hit the punching bags and Nathan just watched how I kicked and punched. Great now he's defiantly going to know something is up I never get the punching bags unless I'm stressed or mad about something and he knows that. I took off my gloves and got on the bikes they have in the back area of the gym, he sat in the one next to me "hey, are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" I put my earphones on and put pandora the song 2012 by chris brown came on and godddd this is my jam I ignored him until he left me and went to do some punching himself, maybe I should tell him what was bothering me but how do I tell him that without admitting I have a crush on him? Who am I kidding I'm practically In love with this kid. I got off and started walking  to the pool my gym has open to members of the gym club only. I've always loved to swim or just sit there and think maybe do a little singing . I sang and sang my life away until I felt Nathan touch my shoulder "I'm ready to go back home are you cams?" "Yeah whatever " I got up and walked back to the car the ride was awkward and you couldn't hear anything but our heavy breathing since we had just spend 3 hours in the gym I noticed Nathan turned the wrong way

"Nathan,you turned the wrong way"

"I know we did"

"Where are we going?"

"Don't worry about it "

Great,he's taking me somewhere and I'm not allowed to know where it's at? You have to be kidding me. I should of brought my car.

I'ts been an hour of non stop driving,my butt is starting to hurt

"Nathan can we please stop to stretch & eat"

"No,we can't"

"Wtf Nate this isn't funny I don't feel safe right now"

"Relax babe,it's not like I'm going to kidnap you" he took a long pause "look I just need to find out why you got so mad at me"

Great! so this is what it's about....should I tell him? I start to get nervous because when Nathan wants to find out something trust me he finds out

"I'm not going to tell you, it was stupid Nate just forget it and let's go home I'm tired"

"I can tell when you're lying, we been friends long enough. I can read you like a bed time story"

It's true when I lied to Nathan he always knew, no argument there . I noticed Nathan smile

"We're here"

"Finally!" I quickly got off the car and looked at my surroundings there was no one in sight. Looked like a deserted beach, I guess you could say. i followed Nathan into the beach we sat on a bench

"Okay now... tell me what's wrong"

"It's nothing Nathan seriously"

" are you kidding me? I saw how mad you got and how you were punching the bags today,something is bothering you, Is it something I said or did ?"

"No" I looked away but Nathan turned my head to him

"Like I said  I know when you're lying,
what did I say tell me"

"You called me your sister" I can't believe I just said that now he's going to know I like him and things will start to get complicated..great just when stuff start to go good for me they have to all fall back down. I'm so stupid if I wouldn't of gotten mad for his calling me that none of this would be happening

"I don't understand?" Nathan said with a confused look on his face

I had to lie to him "well, I just got mad because you called me your sister and it reminded of my past Bestfriend he called me that and then walked out of my life forever and I just don't want that to happen to us" I faked one or two tears he didn't look at me so he couldn't tell I was lying thank god!

"That would never be us cams I want you to know that you are incredibly Important  to me, I will never walk out on you okay? I love you!"  He stood up and gave me a tight hug I completely forgot everything in that moment only him and me were on my mind

"I love you more so much more Nate "  you just don't understand the kind of love I feel I said to myself in my head.

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