"You're Just My Friend's Sister."

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You sat on the step of the stairs, your eyes staring into space for the last five minutes. Your lips chapped as the cold air took ahold of them.
You felt like an idiot for going anywhere with this. You don't know Justin. It was a stupid attraction that went over board. You regret it all and wished you could burn it form your mind. But that would be impossible.
Your one to never leave things bad between you and another person. You were gonna talk to Justin again before he left. It's important that you settle this, or else...
He's just so hard to talk to, because he's a careless person. He doesn't give a shit about what you feel, he just cares about getting himself out of the situation.
No matter how many feelings he hurts in the way.
He may be hot, but his attitude is shit.

You stood to your feet, shaking off your thoughts. They wouldn't get you anywhere. You just needing to speak with him again.
You pushed open the front door, stepping inside. You immediately felt the heated air hit your skin.
You closed the door, pushing your hair behind your ear. You looked around the house before walking up the stairs. As you reached the top, Cameron's door opened. You looked up ahead as Justin exited the room with his keys in his hand. He made eye contact with you for a short second. He quickly looked away carelessly.
"Justin." You said, stepping in his Direction. He cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at your body. that stood in front of his.
He looked a little scary to be honest, but you weren't going to let that get to you. You're a confident person. Sometimes.
"We need to talk." You said, opening your bedroom door. You motioned him inside, your hand on the door knob. His jawline clinched together tightly, as he stared at you with aggressive eyes.
"Why do you want to continue this." He said, stepping into the bedroom, tossing the door closed with one push.
"Because we need to settle this."
You said. "It's been settled. There's nothing to talk about." He raised his voice slightly. "You wanna bet?" You hissed, keeping his mouth shut. You glanced at the closed bedroom door before looking back into his Havel eyes.
"As mush as I'd like to forget last night, I can't. You took my virginity for Christ sake." You said, crossing your arms against your chest.
"Well I wouldn't have been the one if you would have told me the truth when I asked." He said, his nostrils flaring in anger.
"You don't think I know that? Can you stop reminding me?" You asked with a frown. "It was one mistake." You spoke afterwards.
"Yeah." He chuckled angrily. "Just like last night was a mistake. I never should have fucked you." He said, his dark and thick eyebrows knitting together.
"Then why did you?" You hissed, your eyes staring into his dark ones.
"Why did you lie?" He barked back, stepping closer to your body.
You bit the inside of your cheek, feeling that confident attitude you had, fly out the window.
"Why did you lie to me about something so stupid?" He asked, stepping even closer, causing you to take one step back. He quickly filled the space between you again.
"Did you think that if you told me you weren't a virgin that I would immediately think you would be good at sex?" He asked in a mumbled.
You swallowed hard, looking down at your feet, his right in front of yours.
"I'm not gonna lie." He paused.
"I enjoyed it." He said, his eyes looking down your body.
"But that doesn't mean it wasn't a mistake." He said.
"You're just my friend's sister that was near me at the wrong time." He said with a smirk. His chest so close to yours.
"I told you the reason why I lied. It was a spur of the moment thing. Once I said it, there was no taking it back. I should have never lied about something like that. You deserved to know if you were taking someone's virginity. But I didn't think about that in the moment. I was just so caught up in the fact that one of the hottest guys I've ever seen was about to have sex with me." You said, leaving you breathless.
Justin stayed quiet as he took your words in. A smirk covering his lips.
He sighed, digging his fingers through his hair.
"Because you were afraid that I wouldn't have sex with you if I knew you weren't a virgin." He said.
Unfortunately he was right, but you weren't gonna let him know that.
"For you it meant nothing. You've fucked a tone of girls. But for me, it was my first time so you need to respect that." You said, your eyes dropping to his tattooed covered arms.
"And how am I supposed to respect that?" He mumbled, licking over his lips.
You frowned lightly.
"What do you mean?" You questioned, feeling him stepping closer, your back finding the wall.
"I can't take it back babe. I'm sorry that your first time had to be like that. I really am...." He paused, his eyes meeting yours again.
"But at least let me make it up to you." He spoke lowly. you felt your throat become heavy after those words were spoken. "Make it up to me?" You asked lowly, your eyes staring at his parted lips.
He nodded, jingling his keys in his large hands, before dropping them in his pocket. "You're first time shouldn't be just a quick fuck. It's special. No, it's not something perfect like all those girls imagine. It's clumsy, just a mess all together." He said, his hand gripping your hip.
"But your second time....." He smirked.
"That's different. You know what's going to happen. You're prepared. More experimental. Even More pleasurable." He said.
"I'll make everything up to you. But n...."
"Why would I want you to make it up to
Me?" You questioned, interrupting him. He stayed silent...staring into your  wondering eyes.
"Because you're a female."
He said with a cocked eyebrow.
He had a point.
He chuckled lowly, stepping away from your body. "I'll hit you up. But in the meantime....time, take care."
He said as he Made his way to the bedroom door. He stepped out, closing the door Afterwards.
Leaving you with chills over every inch of your body.
It was hard to be mad at him when he gets to every weak spot you have.

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