"You Lied To Me!"

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"How was your night?" Your mom asked you, pouring the coffee from the pot into her 'Mom' mug you got her for Mothers Day a few years back.
"Good." You said, dropping a few pieces of cereal from your lips, Landing in your bowl. You grabbed your napkin wiping your mouth.
"The boys didn't get into any trouble did they?" She then asked, stirring her creamer into her hot steaming coffee. You slowly shook your head, your eyes staring into your bowl. Your eyes avoiding hers. The thought of her knowing you and Justin had sex last night made you cringe.
As you ate your breakfast in pure silence, voices began to travel down the hall into the kitchen. You looked up waiting for Justin's body to appear into the kitchen. A few seconds later a shirtless Cameron and Justin came walking into the kitchen, laughing. Your eyes immediately dropped to your bowl. Swallowing very hard. Your heart rate started to rise just by him being in the same room. Their voices carried on as they filled their bowls.
"How'd you boys sleep?" Your mom asked, grabbing her laptop carrying it to the table. "Like a baby." Cameron smiled, stretching his arms high above his head. Releasing a loud yawn.
"Yeah I slept pretty good myself." Justin spoke, taking a spoon full of his cereal. They made their way to the table, your eyes watching Justin secretly. He sat beside you, setting his bowl down. Cameron across the table. "Morning grumpy." Cameron winked towards you. "I'm not grumpy." You said, taking a drink of your coffee.
"You just haven't said anything." He shrugged.
"I was just talking to mom before you came in." You stated, pulling the spoon to your lips. He wave it off before starting a conversation with Justin.
You sat there, listening, your lips smirking when Justin would laugh.
It was so adorable it made you giggle.
You noticed Justin's hand slipping under the table before reaching towards your thigh, resting his fingers on the inside of your leg. His palm on the top of your thigh. You curled your toes in your socks. You stared down at his hand, his long fingers against your warm skin.
"What time do you gotta leave?" Cameron asked, piling his mouth with Frosted Flakes.
"Uh." Justin mumbled, pushing his spoon around his milk.
"About one. I gotta get to work." He said, looking up at cam. "Well maybe we can get some call of duty in." Cameron said re-filling his bowl.
"Oh yeah." Justin chuckled.
You couldn't help but feel so bad. As Justin's hand slid closer to your area, your eyes looked over at your mother, Scrolling away on her laptop.
What if she were to see his hand.
What if Cameron were to see Justin's hand? All these thoughts came flooding into your overloaded brain, leaving you to question whether or not last night was the right thing to do. You lost your virginity to someone that you had just lied to.
Last night there was no way you were gonna tell him. But you've had a while to think about it since then.
You were gonna tell him before he left. Even though you hated it, you had to be honest with him.
You stood to your feet, Justin's hand dropping from your thigh. He quickly pulled his hand to lap. He didn't even look at you as you walked to the sink, rinsing your bowl. You then closed the cereal, putting it away for your
mom. You grabbed your coffee mug and left the kitchen.
A few hours passed, your brain exploding with thoughts. You seriously tried to think of ways to get Justin alone so you could tell him. But it seamed like he never left Cameron's side today.
You sat on the couch, flipping through channel's on the television as your opportunity became possible. Justin walked down the stairs, a pack of cigarettes in his hand. He made eye contact with you as he stepped off the last step. He sent you a sexy wink, giving your whole body chills. He opened the front door stepping out. He then closed it behind him.
Seconds later you jumped to your feet. You walked to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it. You stepped out, your eyes seeing Justin as he lit the cigarette between his lip.
"Hey." He said, tossing the lighter back into his pocket. "Hey." You said, crossing your arms as the cool air took ahold of your bare arms.
"You should put a coat on. It's cold." He said, blowing smoke from his lips. "I'm fine." You said, pushing your hair behind your ear. He looked at you for a good second before looking away. He stood tall, his left hand in his pocket while the other one held his cigarette.
"Justin." You mumbled, your throat becoming heavy already.
"I gotta tell you something." You said, lifting your head to look him in the eye.
He looked a little irritated already.
That kind of sacred you.
He stayed silent, focusing all his attention on you. You sighed, dropping your head. "I lied to you." You said.
"Last night was my first time having sex. I was a virgin." You said, your palms sweating badly.
Justin's expression seamed to stay the same. His brown eyebrows knitted together as he frowned.
"So last night was your first time having sex." He clarified, mostly for himself. You nodded, your eyes dropping in embarrassment.
He huffed, pushing his cigarette to his lips. It was almost a full minute of silence, eating away at you.
"Well I hoped you enjoyed yourself last night. It's never gonna happen again." He hissed. He flicked his cigarette stomping it with his shoe.
He pasted you to walk into the house. "Justin! Wait." You said, stoping him in his tracks.
"Can we please just talk about this?" You asked, your body showing a clear sign of disappointment.
"What's there to talk about?" He said.
"You lied to me!" He barked.
Your throat thickening with his words.
"I asked you. You lied, so what's there to talk about." He said. His hands sliding in his pockets.
"I guess I was mistaken for you being mature." He said, his tongue licking across his lips. He shook his head looking out at the front yard.
"Last night meant nothing. You'll get over it." He said, turning over his shoulder walking into the house. The door closing behind him.
Your body stood in shock, your legs feeling weak as they held your weight. You couldn't blame him for reacting the way he did. You lied to him about you being a virgin.
And he was unaware that he took your  virginity last night.
If you were him, you'd be pissed too.
But for him to tell you last night meant nothing? Maybe for him, because he's the type to fuck a million girls just for the pleasure. But whether or not he likes it, he was the one to
take your virginity. And you'll always remember that.

By the amount of feedback I'm getting from this story, I'm guessing you guys like it! Thank you so much! ❤️ Next chapter soon :)

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